Tuesday, 24 December 2024

The Peacock 1464

"Nothing?" "Not a blessed thing", says Carl. "Cynthia, tell me please, do you consent to a breaking of these curses." "Well. Yes. Of course." "and do you forgive our great grandfather for raping your great grandmother." "I have never thought of it. But I suppose the answer would be yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. Nor anywhere. I mean," she says with a nervous giggle", I simply wouldn't be. At all." "Cynthia, do you also consent to a lifting and breaking of the curse that you, Melissa, Naomi, and I have all inherited from our great grandfather." And now the stillness and silence here in this house are both palpable and frightening. "Yes, she says, in a near whisper, "I consent to the lifting and breaking of that curse." And now the silence deepens. No one says a blessed thing, then something almost like a soft gentle breeze appears to blow in from out of nowhere, and first Cynthia, then Carl, then Naomi, and finally Melissa, all seem to sigh and exhale, and each appear as though they are about to fall onto the floor. But they remain seated. Carl is the first to speak, in a murmur. "what just happened?" "How are you", says George. "Fine. Well. Extaordinarily well." "I too", says Naomi. "Something just happened", says Cynthia, blinking as though having just seen some bright headlights glaring in her face. "This is it", says Melissa, radiant and smiling. "The curse is broken. Now we are free..."

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