Thursday, 26 December 2024

The Peacock 1466

"Restitution" says Cyntia. "Whatever do you mean?" "Our family wealth owes its provenance to a whole series of disgraces and horrendous crimes against your ancestors. Have you been appropriately compensated for these crimes." "Yes. Just now. What are you trying to say, Carl. Are you offering me money?" "In a word, yes." "No", she says flatly. "Absolutely not. You owe me nothing. I have forgiven our grandfather. What more is needed?" "Perhaps", says Sarah", Carl and Melissa might help you with the womens' centre." "We already have all that we need." "But surely for extras?" "No", she says, shaking her head slowly. "Well then", says Carl, "How about something for you? Are you getting paid enough for what you do?" "I get by." "Do you have any outstanding debts we could help you pay off?" says Melissa. Her silence and rather perplexed expression seem to say yes to that question. "There is no need to purchase my pardon, you guys. It is all yours. For free." "Cynthia", says Carl, "We understand your position. And we respect your position. However, we are family, and we have all been impacted by something horrible that only now seems to be coming to an end. As our relatives, we still want to help you." "How about", says Melissa, "That we arrange, Carl and I , a fund for you, that we will look after, with interest, and that fund will be just for you, should you at any time need financial help. For anything." Cynthia slowly nods her head and says, "Alright, yes. I could agree to that. Only..." "You owe us nothing", says Csrl earnestly. "It's more the loss of independence." "Can you accept in place of this loss", says Carol, "A respectful interdependence...

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