Thursday 26 June 2014

Thirteen Crucifixions 12

Here's the latest from my novel.  I am too tired and burnt-out from work today to write something original so you'd better like it.


He could not avoid noticing him, since the café they sat in was so tiny with six small tables and a lunch counter.  He sat with his breakfast at the next table, gourmandizing on one of the resident creative variations on eggs benedict.  Stephen knew who he was.  There could be no mistaking.  The queenie owner of the establishment had already lisped out loud in his flawless French-Canadian accent “Hi, Rafa-EL.  I haven’t seen you in ages.  It feels almost like years.  Where have you been, DARLING!”  Yes, he did look like Stephen, almost exactly like Stephen, but for a difference in age by a decade or so.  He couldn’t call him handsome so much as beguiling.  He had noticed him observing him ever so discreetly, and briefly, through the corner of his eye.  He wore black jeans a black pullover and a dark grey sports jacket.  His hair, tending a bit long and slightly curling over the ears was peppered with a little early grey, but flawlessly groomed.  His chin was accentuated by a campily sinister vandyke.  Someone used to being held in awe, accustomed to dominating and controlling, and so much like Stephen himself and yet unlike him, absolutely unlike him.  They sat parellel, each facing the door.  Stephen struggled to think of something, to think of anything he could say.  Maurice the proprietor saved the day as he swished in like a performing drag queen and announced, “So talk to the young man, already, Rafael, he is cute, after all.”

Rafael glanced at Stephen and muttered sonorously, “Eres un varón guapísimo.”

“What language is that?”




            “Are you Spanish?”

            “I am from Argentina.”  His English, though flawless, had a beguiling lilt.

            “And what did you just say to me.”

            “Sois varon guapísimo.”

            “Which means.”

            “Sois muy bonito.”

            “In English?”

            “You are very good looking?”

            “Because I look like you?”

            “Me piensas que soy narcisista?”


            “Do you think that I’m a narcissist?”

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