Sunday 31 March 2024

The Peacock 1196

 "Hi Erik.  What is it?"

"Greta.  She just sent me a text."  He looks truly terrified right now, barely able to get out the words.

"What did she say?"

"She just says they know I'm in Vancouver and that I'll be staying with you.  Thing is that they think I'm staying right now in the condo downtown.   They really are pretty stupid.  They haven't even guessed that I would be under quarantine."

"Have you responded?"


"Good man.  Listen, throw away your phone.  I will bring you a new one tomorrow.  And I am going to do the same for myself just in case she tries to contact me.  In the meantime, don't respond to any calls that are not from me."


"How's your chocolate supply?"

"Getting low."

"How about the books."

"Could you bring me one or two more"  I'm reading fast and voraciously..."

Saturday 30 March 2024

The Peacock 1195

 "Who does most of the cooking here?" says George.

"We all do", says Carl.  "Chris really knows how to cook."

"We all know how to cook", says Francois.  "As do you guys.  We are looking forward to both of you having your turn in the kitchen."

"Do you have yellow split peas?" says Jeffrey.

"We can buy some tomorrow", says Carl.

"Ham?  Bacon would also do in a pinch."


"Tomorrow I will cook up a batch of split pea soup."

"That's one of my faves", says Francois.  Can I help."

"Only if you're good", quips George.  "Hey, where ya goin."  He says as he sees me leaving.

"Just got a second text from Erik. He wants to skype with me.  Says it's urgent."

Friday 29 March 2024


The food is excellent.  I have decided to go all out, so I set the dining room table with Dad's best bone china and silver tableware.  He really did have a taste for fine things, though he always tried to restrain himself.  For him they were guilty pleasures, and only rarely would he go all out like this.  But the plates are beautifully patterned with gold edging and a fine blue floral motif.  English of course.  Royal Doulton.  Everyone seems too hungry to make a lot of conversation, apart from Carl's at times copious commentary on how good everything is.

I have just gotten a text from Erik, so I will go on Skype with him after dinner...

Thursday 28 March 2024

The Peacock 1193

"I hope he's okay, wherever he is", says Jeffrey.

"Oh, Please!" hisses George at his partner.

"Well, he is a human being, after all."

"And so was Adolph Hitler.  Do you still have a soft spot for Pope Douglas?"

"I have compassion for him."

"You have compassion for everyone."

"I suppose I do.  I married you, didn´t I?"


"And Douglas did take me into his confidence for a while.  I mean at first, before he got really bad."

"What did he tell you?" says Carl.

"He had a really abusive childhood.  His dad used to beat him up."

"Which gave him his training for what he did to us", says Francois.  "I'm sorry, but there are limits to my compassion."

Carl  looks at his phone.  "Food's arrived."

"Let's eat in here on the bed ", says George.

"We are eating in the dining room", say I, getting up with Carl who is already on his way to the front door...

Wednesday 27 March 2024

The Peacock 1192

"At least they've locked him up now", says George."

"He's back on the loose, according to Father Griffin, who had legal custody of Douglas", says Carl.

""Oh my God", says Jeffrey.

"I wouldn't be too worried", says Carl, he looked pretty broken and pathetic last time we saw him.  I think we should be more concerned about how he is because there is no way he can do any more harm."

"You are a saint", says Jeffrey.

"Just realistic."

Tuesday 26 March 2024


 "Father Polonius really seemed to have it in for you, Frankie", says Jeffrey.

"When I refused to suck the fat pig's stinking cock he started giving me extremely ugly jobs to do as punishment, as well as naming me the Little Black Boy."

"We thought there was something going on there, Frankie", says George.  "But everyone was so hush hush amd secretive.  They were all really terrified of  him.  We certainly were."

"You guys, I was wondering if, from now on, you could call me François."

"Oh, okay" says Jeffrey.  We didn't know we were offending you."

"Not in the least. I just seem to have outgrown Frankie."

George gives him a long and scrutinizing look and says, "I do believe you are right Francois.  Come to think of it, I never before noticed how much you have grown over the past couple of years, especially since you escaped from Douglas."

Monday 25 March 2024

The Peacock 1190

 "What did you tell him." says Jeffrey

"Well. I didn't exactly plan it that way, but he is now also excommunicated from the church."

"You don't mean to say", says George.

"I told him everything."

"Frankie, how could you!", and only now have I heard George's nickname for our Rwandan-Canadian friend.

"Well, you'd might as well tell us then", says Jeffrey, clearly resigned.

"While I was still at the abbey this Hutu bastard came to me for absolution for torching the church in Rwanda where he murdered my father.  He did not want absolution for murdering my father, nor anybody.   Just for burning down a church. Of course I refused, and told him to get lost before I killed him.  You think I'm going to carry a secret like that for the rest of my life?   I'm glad to be gone from those vipers"

"Father Augustine excommunicated", says George.  "It couldn't have happened to a worthier candidate."

Sunday 24 March 2024

The Peacock 1189

 "Isn't that a bit sudden?" says Jeffrey.

Looking to Carl and I, Francois says", Well, who's going to tell them?"

"Okay, I will", say I.  "Francois has broken the seal of the confessional."

"How did that happen?" says George.

"No", says Jeffrey, "Don't tell us or we could also get thrown out."

"But isn't that what you both want?"

"We wanted to get married.  We're both fine with leaving the priesthood.  But we don't want to lose the church", says George.

Francois is frantically scrolling on his phone.  Then he says, "I really don't know how you two could have been so naive about marrying each other, but here it says that you are both now automatically excommunicated.  Ever since tying the knot.  Here it is, if you don't believe me"

"We already knew", says Jeffrey, "We just hoped no one would find out."

"Which means", says Carl, "That like Jeffrey already said, you three really are all in the same boat."

Says Francois, "Let me tell you guys about a little phone chat I had just the other day with Father Augustine.  Yes, I mean THAT Father Augustine..."

Saturday 23 March 2024

The Peacock 1188

 Carl has moved up to where I am still lying and now we are both stretched out side by side on the bed.  George and Jeffrey are both seated cross legged at our feet, and François surveils us all from the wicker chair with an ironic grin of perpetual bemusement.

"So now what are we all going to do?" he says.

"Sit around and gossip?" say I.

"About whom?" says George.

"I have an idea", says Jeffrey.  "francois, we have hardly ever really spoken to each other since we left the  abbey, and since the three of us are in the same boat, I was wondering if we could all talk more about our experiences there and, and how we're all doing now."

"Like group therapy?" says Francois, still smiling.

"No need to be cynical", says George tartly.

"I actually think it's a great idea. I'll start.  I have just been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church.

"You what!" says George, now genuinely alarmed...

Friday 22 March 2024

The Peacock 1187

 "Who likes curry?" says George.  

"Thai, Indian, or Japanese?" say I.

"There's such a thing as Japanese curry?" says Jeffrey.

"Yes", says Carl, "And it's excellent."

"We're having Indian", says George.  "Carl, your credit card details, please."

"I will take care of that", he says, grabbing back his phone from George.

And now Francois has arrived at the door, his eyes rather wide at first, then smiles and says, "Is this an orgy?"

"Are any of us naked?" says George, sounding just a little bit pissed off.  Then he breaks into a broad smile and says, "Come and join us, there's still a little room.

"I think I'll sit here instead", says Francois, going to the wicker chair,

"Oh, you're such a role model", says George, suddenly laughing....

Thursday 21 March 2024

The Peacock 1186

 "Don't mean to break up your little sleepover."

"This does look almost like a pajama party, doesn´t it." says George.

"Welcome to my afternoon slumber party "say I.

"When do you want to get going?" Says Jeffrey.

"About five minutes ago."

"I'm not hungry yet", says George."

"Nor am I say I.  "And I'm still not ready to move from this bed yet."  In fact, I am feeling very nicely swaddled in that warm dry fog of half sleep, half wake.

"I'll count to five", says Carl.  "One...Two...Three..." and before he can get to four, George has just grabbed him by the arm and pulled him onto the bed next to him, where he is now lying between us.

"Hey, this is a mutiny!"

"Oh good, you have your phone with you", says George, yanking it out of his hand.

"Hey, who the fuck do you think you're calling on my phone!"

"Door Dash."

Wednesday 20 March 2024

The Peacock 1185

 "This is your family home", says George.

"Except for the condo downtown where I lived with my wife, I've never lived anywhere else."

"I didn't know you were married", says Jeffrey.

"That was a long time ago.  She's in Sweden now and has remarried and has a kid now.

"You mentioned that you have a brother in law", says Jeffrey.

"That would be Erik.  He came out to see me, but is in covid quarantine till next week and he will be living here with me, or with us, should you both accept my offer.

"What's he like?" asks George.

"Early thirties, quiet, bright, sensitive."

"What brings him here?"

"Problems with his sister, my ex."

"Bad problems?" says Jeffrey.

"Very bad."

"What happened to the condo?" asks George.

"I still have it.  It's furnished, liveable, if you guys would prefer to live there that could also work, but you would be right downtown."

"What would be Carl's stake in all this" says Jeffrey.

"He wants us all to live together with him under one roof in New West like one big happy family", say I.

"You bet I do", says Carl, standing in the doorway smiling.  "You guys ready or what?"

Tuesday 19 March 2024

The Peacock 1184

 "Oh, you're awake", says Jeffrey to his husband.

"Or I could be walking in my sleep", he says with a wicked little cackle. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything"

"Oh we were just having a little chat."

"About me, I presume", says George, still standing.

"About us.  Christopher has invited us to live here with him long-term."

"Hm, that could be a delicious proposal", he says, sitting down on a corner of the bed.

"Of course, you both might prefer the house that Carl has just bought."

"Well, our options are going to be limited, what with the cost of housing in this city", says Jeffrey.

"And this damn covid pandemic..." says George.  "I assumed that you would be throwing your lot in with Carl."

"I still have a lot of thinking to do", say I....

Monday 18 March 2024

The Peacock 1183

 "What do you guys plan to do?"

"Sometime we would like to get our own place.  And return to work.  We're both experienced and fully qualified university professors, for George early church history, for me medieval history, but our fields are so elite and unusual and our background solely limited to the seminary that we might have to settle with driving Uber or making espresso."

"Do you think you might have a future here with us?"

"We don't know.  We are going to need time to find out."  He pauses to look at me for a while, reclined on my father's bed, as though he is an art thief quickly examining a painting by a renaissance master before deciding to walk off with it.  I am starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable.  "What are your plans, Christopher?"

"It's all up in the air.  First it's wait and see with Carl buying that house.  I would like to stay here.  In fact, you and George might consider living here with me long-term if you want.  I think Francois and my ex brother in law would also be living here, but there should be room for all of us."

"There's lot to think about."

"But we also have time on our side."

"You bet we do", says George, standing at the door, a big grin on his face....

Sunday 17 March 2024

The Peacock 1182

 "Well, I can't say I've had much practice as a marriage counsellor.  What's up?" And right now I am feeling jarred at how direct I have been becoming since returning home here.

"George and I have known each other almost all our lives.  We grew up together in East Van.  Went to school together, church, then seminary, the priesthood, the abbey.  And now we're married.  We have been each other's whole lives, and now suddenly he's fallen asleep on me and for the first time ever I'm annoyed by his snoring."

"And that's all?"

"My entire life has been George.  George's entire life has been me.  We're not even forty yet.  Our birthdays are just two days apart.  And now here we are, married for six months and after escaping that monastery for that crazy mansion, now here we are with you in your family home.  It's all too much to take in."

"Have you either of you ever dated other people?"

"We took each other's virginity.  There has never been anyone else."

"And you're complaining?"

"I don't know.  It's all been so much to take in..."

Saturday 16 March 2024

The Peacock 1181

 "Am I disturbing you?" he says shyly, standing tentatively by the partially open door.  

"Well, I'm awake now, so you'd might as well come in."

"Do you want me to leave the door open?" he says.

"Yes, please."  And there is no way I am going to entertain a married man in my bed chamber with the door shut.  He still looks hesitant and uncertain, so I motion towards the wicker chair n the corner.  There are a pair of jeans and a sweater draped on it.  "Just toss them onto the bed here and sit down and make yourself comfortable."

"I'm sorry to bug you, like this.  George is sound asleep and I was bored but just felt to shy too go out and visit the others, and..."

"And you were wanting to talk to me about George, or about your relationship, anyway."

"Well, um, yes.  I guess you're right..."

Friday 15 March 2024

The Peacock1180

 I almost have to ask permission to go off to my room for a nap.  Well, they are going to have to get over it.  Or Carl is going to have to get over it.  I am bloody tired, and no I am neither looking at my phone or my laptop because I know that Erik has sent me at least one text already, if not two or three.  I'll look for him after my nap.  I am so bloody tired and even now atop my father's big bed I can feel myself sinking, and sinking, and sinking...

Someone is knocking at the door.  Carl, but I am unable to answer as the bed pulls me down for yet more sleep...and now there is another knock.  This time loud and insistent.  "Yeah?"  I  am feeling anything but polite.  Slowly the door pushes open.  Jeffrey's pale English schoolboy face appears in the halflight...

Thursday 14 March 2024

The Peacock 1179

 "So how are our guests?" says Francois.  Carl is staring at his phone with rather a worried and pensive look on his face.

"I shut them up in the room together so they can get some rest, or, get whatever.  Carl, what's up?"

"I just had a little chat with my sister.  She is not at all pleased that we are harbouring two fugitives."

"Say what?"

"We have a joint bank account that almost everyone in the community has access to.  Mel is royally pissed that neither George nor Jeffrey surrendered their card before they left."

"What did you tell her?" say I, easing myself into an armchair.

"I told her to get over it.  They are still part of the community."

"And what did she say?"

"Nothing.  She hung up on me."

"So now what are you going to do."

"Knowing Mel,  I'll get another call from her tomorrow, completely innocuous, and nothing will be mentioned about it."

"What time do you want to go for dinner?"

"Maybe in an hour.  Hey, where are you going?"

"To my room, to lie down for a while.  Call me when you're ready..."

Wednesday 13 March 2024

The Peacock 1178

" It looks comfy", says Jeffrey.

"Try it out", say I.

Jeffrey glances pointedly at the roller suitcases now piled on the bed, then glares at George.  

"Oh, all right", says George with theatrical flourish, then begins to move the luggage to the floor.

"Much better", says Jeffrey  who then gracefully lets himself fall onto the now empty bed.  "Oh", he says, "This is divine.  C'mon over Georgie."

"Later darling, I have a headache", he replies, taking to the red armchair in the corner.  It is a vintage Art Deco chair with wood trim on the arms, upholstered in burgundy velour.

"Christopher", says Jeffrey, "Do come and test this lovely mattress with me."

"But you are a married man", I reply winsomely.  Then glancing at George who seems rather amused at his husband's playful flirting with me.  "How about if I leave you two alone for a while."

As I am headed for the door, George says, "But I thought we were going for dinner", he says.

"I'll let you know when we're all ready to go", say I, as I slip out and gently close the door behind me, completely unable to get this silly smile off my face...

Tuesday 12 March 2024

The Peacock 1177

 "Wow", says George, "Your dad has quite the book collection", and he is right, since all four walls in the den are completely lined from floor to ceiling with books.

"Hey, they're all arranged and organized according to the Dewey Decimal System", says Jeffrey.  "Here's Philosophy, psychology, religion, mysticism, sociology, and languages, sciences, horticulture, politics, international law, history, art, literature.  He must have been incredibly well read."

"And on this wall", say I. "you will find fiction, literature, and mystery thrillers.  You guys can stay up reading all night if you want."

"We'd might as well", mutters George with a certain look in his eye, and Jeffery can only burst out laughing.

"Here's the sofabed", say I, pulling out the fully made comfy wide mattress, almost sparkling with a crimson red comforter covering white sheets.  "There are some pillows in the closet."

"I like this", says Jeffrey, and George simply shrugs as he sets their suitcases on top of the bed...

Monday 11 March 2024


 Says Carl, "I say we should all go out and celebrate.  Dinner's on me."

"What else is new", says Francois, snickering.

"Where should we go, Chris?"

"There's a couple of nice new restaurants on West Tenth we could check out."

"Could we first see where we will be sleeping?" says Jeffrey.

And now I am leading them both to the den, just on the other side of the bathroom from my father's bedroom.  I wonder what he might think of a male couple occupying his hideabed.  Maybe now in the hereafter he has finally come to his senses.  He might even let me know tonight after I have turned out the light.

Sunday 10 March 2024

The Peacock 1175

 "Jesús has offered to drive your car down here tomorrow."

"That should work" and now I am feeling so relieved and so delighted that I really don't know what to think, do or say.  That knowing that I am never going to have to see that bizarre monstrosity in the wilderness again.  That now I can just resume having a normal, or almost normal life, now made interesting by my new friends...

"So", says Carl.  "Are you happy?"

"You could even say that I a completely speechless and completely stupefied with joy."

"We know how you feel, Christopher", says George, "We know exactly how you are feeling..."

Saturday 9 March 2024

The Peacock 1174

 "You can't be serious", says Jeffrey, "Robert Griffin?  After all the harm he's done?"

"Jeffrey, chill", says Carl.  "We stopped in to see him on our way out here and he has sincerely and penitently apologized.  And besides, in the balance of things, he actually has been very good for the place."

"He did inflict Douglas on us.  Thank God he's been apprehended and locked up somewhere."

"Actually, no", says Carl."

"You mean that monster is at laarge?"

"According to Robert, he disappeared.  He had been placed in Robert's custody and then just simply vanished."

"Oh my god", says George.

"Hey, Chris", says Francois, "I just got a text from Jason.  He says he found your keys in your car."

"I must have forgotten them..."

Friday 8 March 2024

The Peacock 1173

 "This all happened pretty fast", says George.

"Four days" says Carl, "But who´s counting."

"You are", says Francois.  "I can explain what happened.  When we were on our way here from the mansion we stopped in New Westminster for lunch, later took a walk in a nice area full of big old houses, then Carl saw this place for sale, scanned the Q and R code, and the rest, as they say, is history."

"When can we see it?" says George.

"I have to see Willy to pick up the keys", says Carl.  "When we've arranged a date you can both come out with me."

"What's going to become of the big house?" says Jeffrey.

"Once my mother has bounced back she can run the place with Mel and Robert Griffin..."

Thursday 7 March 2024

The Peacock 1172

 "Who is this Wee Willy Wang?" says George, not knowing whether to laugh or gag.

"He's the real estate agent who just sold us a lovely vintage Victorian era mansion in New Westminster" says Carl.  "And now it's confirmed.  The house is ours."

"How did he get that name?" says Jeffrey, dunking a Peak Freens short bread into his coffee.

"Ew, don't make a lot of crumbs", says George to him.

"I'll try my best dear."

"He's Taiwanese.  Just twenty-two."

"What kind of shape is the place in", says Jeffrey.

"It's a bit of a fixer-upper", say I.  "Nothing too serious.  Maybe some painting and minor renos."

"Oh, look at you", mutters George at his husband, "You're getting crumbs all over yourself."

"You can always lick them off."

"Do you want to get spanked?"

"Oh, promises, promises!

"I think some of us could move in in a couple of weeks", says Carl.

"How many bedrooms?", says Jeffrey.

"At least twelve", say I


Wednesday 6 March 2024

The Peacock 1171

 "You are really on the ball, Carl!"  She suddenly turned into our own personal iron maiden, just minutes after you guys left", says George.

Carl lowers his head and doesn't answer at first.  "I might have known that would happen."

"Do you have room here for us for a few nights?" says Jeffrey, stirring sugar into his coffee.

"We have room here for you forever", say I. "Provided you don't mind sharing space with Lazarus, Jason, Jesús, and in a couple of weeks my brother in law.

"How much room do you have here? says George.

"There is a sofa bed in the den for you guys, another sofa bed in the office for Lazarus and Jason, if they don't mind bunking up, and they have indicted that they are used to sharing a bed even if they are platonic, and there are two fully finished bedrooms in the basement for the other two

"Ooh, it is going to be cozy", says George, twitching like a campy queen.

"Hey," says Carl, "I just got a text from Wee Willie Wang."

"Wee Willy Wang?" say George and Jeffrey in incredulous unison.

"The sale of the house has been approved.  We can move in in a couple of weeks."

Tuesday 5 March 2024

The Peacock 1170

 No sooner have we closed the front door and taken off our shoes when we hear them pull up in the driveway.  The doorbell chimes and it's Carl who opens the door.

"Hi stranger!" says George, chiming like the doorbell, and soon everyone is exchanging hugs.

In the kitchen I am making coffee while Francois pulls from the cupboard an unopened package of Peak Freens.  Then he finds a particularly beautiful plate, all dark blue arabesque on white with gold trim on which he arranges the cookies.  George and Jeffrey are sharing the couch with Francois while Carl and I have each taken an armchair.

"What a charming little house" George gushes.

"After several years living in a sixty room mansion", says Jeffrey, "Naturally a lot of places are going to look small."

Carl takes the lead and says, "So what brings you out here"

"How many guesses do you want?" says Jeffrey.

"Um...let me darling little sister?"

Monday 4 March 2024

The Peacock 1169

 "We're just gonna head 'em off at the pass", says Carl.

"Why this sudden exodus"? say I.

"My guess is it's because of my darling little sister:"

"What do you mean?"

"I was on Zoom with her this morning.  She's lost all patience and is likely tyrannizing everybody."

"I never would have imagined:"

"I would", says François.

"She appears to rely on me for grounding and if I'm away too much she starts to lose it.  It's a feature of her autism, I'm afraid."

"Then maybe she should be coming out."

"Good luck getting her away from the mansion.  She's more territorial than a Siamese cat."

We are just about to roll into the driveway when my phone rings.  It's George...

Sunday 3 March 2024

The Peacock 1168

 There is no reason for returning to the condo , so we are going straight to the parkade.  As we are climbing into the van I muse out loud, "I could put them in the den for now, and tomorrow Jesús can sleep in dad's office, since it also has a small sofa bed, and there are also mattresses and bedding in the basement where I am hoping Jason and Lazarus will be comfortable."

"Do you reckon it's clean enough"  says Carl.

"Oh yes.  I gave it a thorough inspection.  The cleaners did a stellar job.

"I just got a text from George" says Francois.  They´re in Burnaby on Canada Way."

"Tell them to turn onto Grandview Highway and to stay on there all the way on Twelfth, and then on Tenth to Westbrook.  Once they´re on Westbrook tell them to pause and call me direct..."

Saturday 2 March 2024

The Peacock 1167

 Here back on Lagoon Drive Carl was all set to text for Uber, but this yellow cab has just appeared out of nowhere and we are all climbing into the back seat.  Francois is in the middle, I am on the passenger side and Carl is directly behind the fiftiesh South Asian driver.  We have become strangely quiet and the driver doesn't appear to be chatty.  Which is just as well, since one more time we all suddenly have a lot to digest, and Carl surely must be resisting conniption fits about what's going to become of the mansion.  And right now I am in a stew of resentment, knowing that my car is there and I will one day soon have to go all the way back to that house of horrors in order to retrieve it.  I am also trying to visualize my father's house, all crammed to the rafters, with me, and Carl, and Francois, and Jason, and Lazarus, and Jesús, and George, and Jeffrey, and Erik, and someone is going to have to stay in the condo, at least until the house in new West is ready for occupancy...

Friday 1 March 2024

The Peacock 1166

 "George and Jeffrey have just left today.  They're driving out to see us." says Francois.

"I imagine they could both have the condo", say I.

"Could we fit them both in the basement with Jason and Lazarus?" says Carl, and it is clear that he wants everybody all together under the same roof.

It would be crowded.  We will have to ask them.  Did Jason say what time they left?

"Just a few minutes ago.  They are going to text me for directions."

"Which means", say I, "That we had better get back to the house if we want to be there to receive them."

"I was enjoying this excursion", says Carl.

"Not bad for he who didn't want to walk here", quips Francois.

"Well, let's get back onto Lagoon Drive and get a cab or Uber..."