Friday 3 May 2024

The Peacock 1230

 We are on Skype now, Erik and I. At first I didn't want to, but he was insisting. Truth is, it isn't just because I don't want to wake anyone in the house, but really, I don't know what to say to him.  I am feeling burdened with him, as well as with all my sudden houseguests, and frightened and resentful.  He wants me to explain to him what I know about Lindstrom and how.  I am waiting for him to put on his headphones, and I have just found and adjusted mine, because I really want this call to be as quiet as possible.

"How did you first hear about him?" asks Erik.

"From Kenny's diary."


"He was my best friend and lived here with my dad and I for five years."

"You never told me about him."


"No.  never."  This of course does not surprise me. I have never been in the habit of disclosing information that didn't seem absolutely essential.  Dad used to tell me I was secretive.  But he should talk.  It took years before I could pry even basic information from him about my mother, especially about her death. And of course, my wife and brother in law were also your classic monosyllabic Swedes...

Thursday 2 May 2024

The Peacock 1229

 To my surprise I am feeling tired.  And cold.  And a little bit hungry.  Perhaps a bit of toast with peanut butter, then a snooze on the couch.  I really don't want to go back to bed, and  besides, I am not really that tired.  But I do want to doze anyway.  Two slices should do it, and my phone is sounding again.  A notification from Erik.

Hope it isn't too early, though I imagine you re still sleeping.  had nightmares last night.  Lindstrom was trying to hunt me down and now I'm afraid to go back to sleep.  This confinement is really getting to me.  I'm awake right now if you are.

"Hello?" says Erik.

"How are you."

"Oh, Christopher, how good to hear from you.  So you re awake?"

"I had quite a good sleep, but I'm soon going down for a nap.  Listen, Lindstrom is here and he tried to force his way into the house, looking for you.  Fortunately police trailed him from the airport and have him in custody.  He is likely to be sent back to Sweden on the next flight, so I think we're safe for now, anyway."

"This is like being in a really badly done science fiction thriller."

"Movie or book."

"Take your pick.  "By the way, your sister tried to connect with me on Facebook then sent me a very rude email."

"Block her."

"I will."

"Right now."

"I promise..."

Wednesday 1 May 2024

The Peacock 1228

It is chilly for May.  Sheebah cat precedes me through the door.  I suppose I could check my Facebook status.  I haven't even thought of social media in months.  A notification.  From Greta.  She wants to connect with me.  I am going to decline.  I suppose she wants to nag me about her dear little brother.  And an email from my ex.

"I just got a text from Sven who is now in police custody.  You are going to have to answer for this, you know."

My response:

Please do not bore me with idle threats, Greta.   I happened to be asleep on the couch at the time, and so neither I nor anyone else that I happen to know has had anything to do with your blonde Nordic studly landing in the slammer here.  I imagine he should be already on his way back to Sweden where he is going to face the music.  Do not contact me again


And this, you know, happens to be the first time I have ever openly stood up to my terrifying ex wife.  It feels rather good.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

The Peacock 1227

 It's quite a cool morning out here on the deck, so I am still wearing Dad's dark blue housecoat.  Sheeba the cat is keeping me company in the next chair.  The sky is overcast and the fragrant air a vibrancy redolent with birdsong.  All appears quiet in the home of Chelsea's grandmother, where she appears to have set up camp.  I wonder if she will end up living there long term?  Tomorrow is Saturday, when she will be coming over for dinner and then to cut and colour our hair.  It would be interesting to get George and Jeffrey, and of course, Jesús, in on the act.  Do I really want green hair?  Or perhaps purple?  I wonder how I would look as a blonde.  I have never been a blonde before.  Never in my life.  I may be part Mexican, but I look way more like my mother than like my father.  People have always mistaken me for Latino.  Not really a mistake.  And maybe it is time to learn Spanish?  I could ask Jesús to teach me.  Well, as they say, there is a first time for everything.  I am really looking forward to getting my car back tomorrow. Now it is sure that I will never have to return again to that horrible mansion.  And I will also have some independence from Carl.  He's not going to like that much... 

Monday 29 April 2024

The Peacock 1226

 This search on google for Jesus as a teenager is anything but rewarding.  What comes up first are several entries on a rock band called Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, which I am not about to dignify with my very limited curiosity.  Then there is the esoteric claptrap that from thirteen to twenty-nilne he was traveling in India and learning from Buddhist monks and Hindu sages.  just one little bit seems to make sense, that it wouldn't be for another four hundred years that he would become famous enough for anyone to want to ask those kinds of questions, so likely he spent that time in his life just hanging out and learning to be an adult.  But that kid in the dream, the same kid who gave Carl that lemon balm, who is he really?

Sunday 28 April 2024

The Peacock 1225

 What a rare treat this has become, to sit here all alone in the early morning with no one present but my cup of coffee at the kitchen table.  I do not want this moment to end.  Rather odd that Carl should ask for permission to go back to bed, but not François, who just unceremoniously upped and went back to bed.  I don't know which I prefer, since I am still far from feeling used to sharing with others my father's house.  And now we have George and Jeffrey sleeping in the den.  Well, why not, I suppose.  It's probably good for my mental health having my friends close by like this.  But I really want, right now, just now, to be alone.  I suppose I could go out for a walk, but I have no idea how far I'd get, plus, with the couple having just passed their first night under my roof, it would be the height of rudeness to not be here for them whenever they are ready to come in for breakfast.  But not right now.,  Please Lord, not right now,  Just this time alone for now with you and my precious cup of joe....

Saturday 27 April 2024

The Peacock 1224

 Francois suddenly gets up and empties into the sink what is left in his coffee mug.

"Had enough?" say I.

"I suddenly want to go back to sleep for a while", he says.  "The coffee is good, by the way, so don't get hurt about my dumping it.  I just need to get back to bed for a while."

I can hear him climbing the stairs and Carl, suddenly solemn and thoughtful, says, "My fault, I guess."

"Don't blame yourself.  We have been through quite a night.  My dad's robe looks really nice on you."

"Thanks.  I like it.  may I keep it."

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

We seem to have nothing further to say.  Carl quickly sucks back his coffee and says, "Mind if I go back to sleep for a while?"

"This is your home, Carl.  Go back to bed..."

Friday 26 April 2024

The Peacock 1223

 "Oh aren't we off to a cheery start this morning", chimes Carl.

"Give it a rest, eh?" says Francois.

"Yes, Carl.  please", say I.

"Oh what a couple of party poopers.  But I suppose you do have a point.  That was a rather dramatic episode we all witnessed last night."

"The thing is, with Lindstrom around, now I'm really worried about Erik", say I.

"Yes there is that.  But he is in police custody and they will soon be flying him home to the Swedish forensic specialists."

"Remember Aaron's warning last night", says Francois.  "That guy has more than a few aces up his sleeves."

"Actually, I think this guy's hilarious", says Carl.  "I mean, a supernatural being whose been around for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, and he cannot get anything right, and plus finds himself in the loony bin", says Carl.

"Point taken", say I, savouring the dark aromatic bitterness of my first cup of the morning...

Thursday 25 April 2024

The Peacock 1222

 "You're not going to tell me where you got it?" says Francois.

"It was a gift."

"Yeah, but from who?"

The coffee maker is now sputtering the last of its forces into the pot, and the dark brew already fills the glass container like a dread presence.  Instead of replying, I spring up and grab us each a mug and begin pouring.  Now that I have returned to the table, Francois seems to have given up the chase.  Or perhaps, as a form of bargaining, or perhaps blackmail, I could ask him first to tell me why he had to change his pyjamas last night.  He doesn't seem ready to budge, and that works for me.  Now Carl has appeared, his lithe and muscular body enhanced and gleaming in but a skimpy pair of tight red bikini briefs that leave absolutely nothing to the imagination.  "Good morning", he chimes, and yes he is again up for play and mischief.

As he pours himself coffee, Francois grumbles, "Um, is your bathrobe in the laundry?"

"I didn't bring one."

"I could lend you one of my dad's robes?" say I.

"Oh, must we?" he says while stirring sugar and cream into his mug.

"Yes, we must", says Francois.

Dad left behind three robes in the bedroom closet.  This dark green velour number would look striking on Carl.  In fact, I also like his dark blue terry cloth number.  Always have, and although I am relatively decent in jogging shorts and white T shirt, I think I will.

"Here you are", I tell Carl back in the kitchen, and with affected petulance, he reaches to accept the green robe, and wraps himself in it.

To Francios he says, "Did you just change your pyjamas, Francois?"

"I don't know", he mutters, now clearly in an ill humour.  "Maybe."

"And who were you dreaming about?"

"None of your business!" he snaps.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

The Peacock 1221

 I struggle to discipline my imagination against treading uncharted and unwelcome waters concerning François changing from his white pyjamas to the navy blue ones during the night.  Better not to go there, despite my temptation to ask.  Instead, here is the sprig of lemon balm, gift from the kid last night, and now Francois appears curious.

"Where did that plant come from?" And now it occurs to me that neither he nor George or Jeffrey actually saw the kid, just Carl and I.

"Carl says it's lemon balm."

"Yes, but how did it get here?"

I just shrug. I don't think I ought to mention the kid to him, or not just yet anyway, and I really don't know why.  But it feels as though there is an invisible hand covering my mouth.  "The leaves smell like lemon.  Want to check it out?"

"No thanks."  I bring the glass of water with the sprig over to the table anyway and we sit there together while the coffee sputters its way into the empty pot.

"Something strange about that plant", he says.

And looking at it myself, I see that he has a point.  The leaves appear to be almost glowing.  "I'm going to pot it today, then maybe later plant it outside..."

Tuesday 23 April 2024

The Peacock 1220

 "Did you eventually make it to bed", says Francois sitting down at the table.  I am going to make a full pot, just in case there are others soon to join us.

"Yes, shortly after you guys.  Who cleaned up last night?"

"I did.  I kept waking up, so I thought I should do something.  Hope I was quiet"

"You were.  I didn't hear you anyway, but I was also sleeping fitfully."

"I suppose that wasn't a dream then."

"What exactly?"

"The kerfuffle with that  Swedish guy and the police outside.  Then later when we were having our midnight snack, that visit from Aaron."

"Thank you", say I.  I am scooping in generous portions of decaf, in case people want to go back to sleep for a while.

"For what?"

"I was beginning to think I was hallucinating again."

"You're okay."

"Weren't you wearing white pyjamas last night."

"I was."  And the terseness of his tone suggests we should change the subject...

Monday 22 April 2024

The Peacock 1219

 Funny, I don't recall anyone cleaning up after our snack last night.  The sink and counter are pristine clean and clear.  I imagine that today I should get key copies made, but right now I am remembering that dad used to keep extra keys in the second kitchen drawer here.  Yes, here they are and among the other household detritus that gets eternally stranded in second kitchen drawers I am counting four copies.  One for the couple, one each for Carl and Francois, and one for Jesús when he gets here.  If George or Jeffrey want their own they can get their own copy made as far as I'm concerned.  Not sure how much coffee to make, since there is no way of knowing when people are going to get up.

"Are you making coffee?" says Francois from the doorway.  He is just out of bed, sleepy eyed and wearing navy blue pyjamas.  Not white.  and now I am really beginning to wonder what happened last night...

Sunday 21 April 2024

The Peacock 1218

 It's five am, and I have slept perhaps a little since going to bed.  I really did have a full sleep on the couch, protected from all the hubbub and excitement.  It's just as well, with that dream about Lindstrom breaking into the house, then the kid Jesus turning the water into wine.  I think George and Jeffrey brought with them some of the mystical madness from the mansion, since things were fairly calm here before their arrival.  But it is good to have them here, if rather strange.  I have never been friends before with a same sex couple, much less when they happen to be two catholic priests.  Well, excommunicated Catholic priests I would now imagine. This house is getting crowded, and this morning arrives Jesús.  I am looking forward to his arrival...

Saturday 20 April 2024

The Peacock 12i7

 "Anything else about Lindstrom?" asks Francois.

"As I said, responds Aaron, just after shoving the cheese into his mouth and swallowing it, "Your guess is as good as mine.  But be aware of the loopholes.  He has many friends in dark places that are manipulating him into performing their bidding.  I also have a feeling you will be seeing him again, soon.  I think the lemon balm just given you by Our Lord holds some secret virtue or power.  Also be prepared for another meeting with him."

"Can we meet for coffee sometime?" ask I.

"We are living in different dimensions and different times.  Right now where I am it is more than two and a half years later.  Russia has been at war with Ukraine for almost two years, Israel has been bombing the bejesus out of Gaza for the last three months, and our various levels of government are still dragging their asses about addressing homelessness.  Pay very close attention to Chuck in the coming weeks.  Oh, and by the way, I have moved, after twenty-one years in a little subsidized bachelor apartment on Granville and Davie.  Now I am at tThirty-seventh and Main near little Mountain in a subsidized one bedroom suite.  It is just lovely.  And now, for the final time, my friends, or at least till I drop in again, and I will from time to time,  ta-ta..."

Friday 19 April 2024

The Peacock 1216

 He could have stayed a bit longer", says Carl.  I want to pick his brain."

"About..." says Francois.

"About us.  About what he plans on writing us into next."

"Your guess is as good as mine."  Aaron has suddenly reappeared.

"What's this business about a teenage Jesus", say I.

"Your guess is as good as mine.  That's how this thing is being written.  I am but your humble scribe."

"So, you're just recording all this", says Francois.

"I believe it is what is often mistakenly called the creative imagination.  Except, I am not making any of this up.  Simply, I enter a place and you people happen to be living there.  I know as much as you do about what's going to happen tomorrow."

"What about Lindstrom?" says Carl.

"What I know so far about this unfortunate being has only been gradually unfolding to me.  I do believe he is a descendent of the so called Nephilim, and that he himself is very old, centuries old at least.  but he is still part mortal, and for this reason he still possesses, or is possessed by a soul that can be redeemed.  He is also incredibly stupid and inept.  He had his chance on the island and he blew it, plus, he is still vulnerable to dark forces and that is why he does such outlandishly stupid stunts as what he tried to pull off here a few hours ago.  And that is also why he lives with a mental illness.  From what I know so far is he is going to be shipped back to Sweden, absconded by the authorities and placed under very tightly supervised forensic care for a while.  But we are still not done with him yet I'm afraid.  That Lindstrom guy has more loopholes at his disposal than a highly experienced lawyer.  Anyway it is my bedtime, as I said, though one day later.  Mind if I have another piece of cheese before I turn in?"

"By all means, help yourself", say I...

Thursday 18 April 2024

The Peacock 1215

 "This is good", says Carl.  "Who would ever have thought of combining extra old cheddar with honey.  But it works."

"I got the idea from Aaron.  The day after I arrived at the mansion, after breakfast he mentioned it, and courtesy of your sister, we all gave it a try.  It was very good."

"Speaking of whom, he appears to have disappeared", says Carl.  "But I imagine he s still writing us from wherever he is."

And suddenly, Aaron appears at the table, occupying the one empty chair.  "Excuse me for popping in unannounced like this", he says laughing.

"Sh", say I, "you'll wake the others."

"They won't even know that I'm here", he says, pointedly lowering his voice.

"And where the hell have you been", says Carl.

"I've been here and I've been there, and I've been in-between."  Aaron slices a generous piece of cheddar, dollops some honey on it, eats it in almost one mouthful, then says, "Well, lovely seeing you all, now it's near my bedtime so I must be off.  Ta-ta".  And now he is gone...

Wednesday 17 April 2024

The Peacock 1214

 "I'll put it in a glass of water and tomorrow I will grab one of Dad's flower pots from the basement and some dirt from the garden and plant it."  There is something almost preternaturally vigorous about this leafy stem.  The leaves appear so full, shiny and healthy. I am sure there must be a higher purpose in this gift.  "shall we join Francois in the kitchen?  I really must get up off this couch.  how long have I been sleeping?"

"I would say at least six hours."

"No wonder I'm feeling so rested.  I just might stay up for the rest of the day."

Keeping our voices low in whispers so as not to awaken our houseguests, we dig into the little feast  Francois has prepared: whole wheat toast, a jar of honey and a block of cheese.

"Did Carl tell you about what happened outside?"

"He even dreamed about it", says Carl.

"No way."

"It was Lindstrom", say I.  "Hhe actually forced his way inside and tried to conduct a search for Erik, but the police nabbed him just in time.  Then the kid came in."


"It seems only I saw him.  He brought this sprig of lemon balm and asked that I give it to Chris.

"Who do you think it was"

"Well, in the dream, anyway, I saw him turn a pitcher of water into wine.  So, who do you think it was?"

"Well", says Francois, "There is no water nearby for him to walk on, so I imagine he wanted to do something to identify himself...

Tuesday 16 April 2024

The Peacock 1213

 He also brought you something."


Carl reaches to the coffee table and hands me a sprig of leaves.  He places it in my hand.  Just then, Francois has just come downstairs.  He is resplendent in white pyjamas, his ebony skin creating the most incredible and beautiful contrast.

"We didn't wake you up, I hope", says Carl.

"No, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.  Came down for a snack.  You guys want some toast and honey?"

"Nothing would please me more", says Carl.  "Chris?"

"Sure,  Can we have some cheese with that?"

"Cheddar or Jarlsberg?"


"Me too", says Carl.  "Can I help?"

"Stay where you are", says Francois.

"What is this?"

Rub the leaf gently and smell it."

"It's lemony.

"It's called lemon balm.  A healing herb.  He said to take care of it and later he will return to retrieve it from you..."

Monday 15 April 2024

The Peacock 1212

 "What kind of drama?"

"There was this guy out on the sidewalk being arrested  and taken into custody by four cops."

"Was one of them Asian?"

"Yes.  I believe so.  Young."

"I saw him in the dream.  How about the guy being arrested."

"Tall.  Blonde.  Athletic looking."

"Blonde.  Beast.  Danger."

"Yes, from the Scrabble game."


"He was trying to get in here."

"He must have flown out here just after he knew Erik was gone.  I can't imagine why they would want him so much.  The police took him away?"

"It appears they did."

"I'm relieved.  Erik will be safe, for a while anyway.  They are likely to deport Lindstrom right back to Sweden where he will face criminal charges, and possibly another round of forensic hospitalization."

"Something else strange happened.  Just after."

"Tell me."

"This kid appeared out of nowhere."

"What did he look like."

"No more than sixteen, maybe seventeen.  Very beautiful boy with curly blonde hair."

"How was he dressed."

"White shirt, and blue jeans, I think."


"Can't remember.  But they were still bundling Lindstrom into the car when the kid approached the house, he was walking across the front lawn to the door.  As I said, he was incredibly beautiful and I felt totally smitten in his presence."

"Did the others see hm?"

"No, just me."

"I saw him in the dream.  he turned water into wine."


"Our Lord indeed..."

Sunday 14 April 2024

The Peacock 1211

 A hand is roughly shaking me by the shoulder.  As my eyes open, it is almost completely dark, save for a small light on the lower wall near the floor.  My father had some of those lights installed ten years ago, to make it easy to find his way to the bathroom for a midnight pee, or the kitchen for a midnight snack.  I see the darkened form of Carl´s rather anxious face hovering above me.  "Are you okay?" he says.

"I don't know."

"You were having a nightmare.  I heard you calling out."  I am fully clothed and lying on the couch.

"What time is it?"

"Almost two.  It seems you never made it to bed."  He plunks himself down at my feet, which I instinctively budge away to make room for him.

"I was dreaming."

"Yes, you were dreaming."

"Lindstrom came pounding at the front door, then barged his way in to look for Erik.  We couldn't stop him, but the police came immediately after.  They were chasing him from the airport for evading customs and the mandatory quarantine."

"That explains it", he says.

"Explains what?"

"The drama that was unfolding outside the house on the sidewalk.  You had fallen fast asleep and nothing seemed able to wake you."

"And I missed it."

"You dreamed it..."

Saturday 13 April 2024

The Peacock 1210

 As the cop car leaves the driveway with Lindstrom in the back seat I stand before the boy who looks at me, an innocent smile adorning his face.  The kid is downright angelic.  How could I refuse him.  "Would you like to come in?"

"That is very kind of you"" says the boy.  His voice is light and gentle, just past the cusp of changing.  

He sits in the left armchair.  I am on the couch, flanked by Carl and Francois.  Jeffrey is in the other armchair, and George has pulled up a chair from the dining room table next to him.

"How can we help you?" say I.

"Would you like something to drink?" says Carl.  "Water, juice, coffee?"

"Water", says the boy.  "I am rather thirsty."  As Carl heads for the kitchen, the boy adds, "Could you possibly bring me an entire pitcher of water?"

"I could do that", replies Carl.

"How can we help you?" I repeat to the boy, who doesn't answer, or doesn't answer yet.  He has curly, dark golden hair, and moss green eyes set in a lightly tanned face, a face that has absolutely no flaws or defects.  He is dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans, his feet are wearing very simple sandals, no socks.  There is something very familiar about him.  I am sure I have known him before.

Carl returns with a glass jug full of water, and a glass.

"Bring more glasses", says the boy.

"More glasses?" says Carl.

"Yes.  more glasses."and suddenly the water has turned the colour red.  The water has been transformed into wine...

Friday 12 April 2024

The Peacock 1209

 We all stay seated as a nameless terror seems to unify us in its grip.  Again the knocking, loud, rapid, furious.  Reluctantly I go over to the door.  There is no peephole, so I have to trust that I will survive this.  A tall man with short blonde hair, almost ridiculously handsome looms before me.  "Where is he?" he mutters coldly.

"Where is who?"  he shoves me aside and enters the house.

"Hey! no one said you can come in here", I shout, but it is too late.  He is furiously going from room to room, and now Carl is at my side.

"We have to stop him."  We corner him in my father's bedroom.  He shoves us both apart with what appears to be superhuman strength.  He goes in the other rooms, then upstairs, and all of us, Carl, Francois, George and Jeffrey all stand in the hallway, huddled together for protection and support.

"Who the fuck is that!" says Francois.

"Lindstrom", say I.

He must have flown straight over from Sweden."

Lindstrom is downstairs again demanding to know where the basement is, and there is another knock on the door, this time four cops, who charge in past me to overpower him.  They have him on his knees, in cuffs.  One of them, a young Asian guy, says to me, "We've been trailing him from the airport.  He tried to evade customs and quarantine. " I notice that they are all wearing covid masks... Then through the open door, a boy, likely no older than sixteen or seventeen, is approaching the house.  They have just dragged Lindstrom outside....

Thursday 11 April 2024

The Peacock 1208


Where did these just come from?" says George.  

"Blonde came from Carl, Beast came from Francois", sys I, "And you have yourselves to thank for Danger"

"What can this all mean?" wonders jeffrey."

"It means that we have practically run out of tiles", quips Francois.

"Game over", says Carl.

I am just about to sweep the tiles off the board when George waves a preventing hand at me and takes out his phone.  "I want some time to study this", he says.

Suddenly, there are three loud knocks on the front door...

Wednesday 10 April 2024

The Peacock 1207

 "And" says Jeffrey, pulling out and setting three more tiles, "We all are needing to HEAL."

"Is this a Scrabble game or is it a Ouija board?" says George.

"It appears to be a little bit of both", says Jeffrey.

"I was hoping we might have left this kind of weirdness behind us."

"We appear to have taken it with us."

"I find vacant space next to the e in HEAl, so I add the two tiles N and D.

"Shall we bring this to an end?" say I?

"I don't think it's over", says carl.

"what do you mean?" say I.  And he adds to the N tiles that form the word RENEW.

"You got a double word score for that one", says Francois.

"Yeah, but who's counting?"

Tuesday 9 April 2024

The Peacock 1205

 Francois adds some letters to form the word create.  "And now I get the first triple word score", he crows.

"I never noticed that anyone was keeping score", says Carl.

"who is keeping score?" say I.

"We never really agreed on that", says Carl.

"well, I want credit for my triple word score", says Francois.

"You're a little bit late, dontcha think, Frankie?" says George.

"Francois", he snaps.

"Sorry.  Francois."

"Let's focus on create", says Carl, who uses the a in create to make the word small."

"So we need to start small", say I...

Monday 8 April 2024

The Peacock 1204

 How about an ode to love?" say I.

"Anything to redeem this verbal mess", mutters Francois.

"Where did those words all come from?"

"From out of our own sick unredeemed collective unconscious", says Carl

"So here we have  cringe, gross

slut, ugly, yikes, kill, then knit, followed by love, and finally ode."

"We need another word", says Jeffrey, and George fastens the c tile onto ode.  Code

Sunday 7 April 2024

The Peacock 1203

 Carl opens the game by spelling out the word cringe.  "How's that for a start?" he says.

George adds letters to the g, spelling out gross.

I have just spelled out slut on the final s.

To the u Francois creates ugly.

I, K, E, S, spell out yikes, as Carl transforms the Y.

Jeffrey creates kill.

I make the word knit.

"So", says Francois, "we have to knit all the words together.  Doesn't look good."   The letters he adds to the last l in kill make love.

And I spell out ode.

Saturday 6 April 2024

The Peacock 1202

 "Who wants to play Scrabble", say I.

"There's five of us", says Francois, "One two many."

"It's actually our fave", says Jeffrey.  "George and I could team up.  What do you say, Georgie?"

"Are the rest of you chill about it?"

"It's only a game", says Carl.

It is hidden away in my father's den, on the very top shelf of the closet. There are a few dusty surprises in here.  I see three different jigsaw puzzles, never opened, one of Monet's Wáter Lilies, another of an extremely tangled and vibrant garden, and one of a dragon curled up in his lair of gold.  I believe I must have picked that one when I was twelve, just after reading the Hobbit.  On a whim I am carrying this one out with the Scrabble.

Friday 5 April 2024

The Peacock 1201

 But I for one cannot keep my mouth shut.  The beast of royalty has come alive in me, like a sleeping dragon roused from its torpor, and now I cannot stop.  "I read the memoir of Prince Charles' butler, and among other things he wrote that one night at 11:30, his boss telephoned him to get out of bed, get dressed and come immediately to the palace to help take care of an emergency."

"And the emergency was...", says Carl.

"Charles had mistakenly tossed a note written to him on a piece of paper by his mother, the Queen, into the waste paper basket, and he wanted his servant to come over and fish it out for him immediately."

"Did he have back problems?" asks Jeffrey.

"iIimagine that his butler might have after having to bend over and pull the note out of the garbage can", says George.

"I wonder if he has servants who  wipe his ass for him every time he takes a dump", says Carl.

And here I am reminded of a particularly disturbing scene from a TV miniseries I saw with my dad about King Henry VIII, played by an actor way too slim and good looking, where he was naked and masturbating in front of a male servant kneeling before him ready to catch his spunk in a towel or a bowl, and all his courtiers standing by the door watching.  This is really too gross to tell anyone right now, plus I do not wish to further encourage Carl, or George, who is clearly his match, much less offend Francois.  I do recall that during that scene, my father decided it was time to go to the kitchen to get us some cheese and crackers for snacks...

Thursday 4 April 2024

The Peacock 1200

 "Or the rest of that incestuous brood", says Francois flatly.  "You know as a second generation, almost first generation Canadian, especially having grown up in Quebec, I am completely mystified about the obsession and obsessive affection so many Anglo-Canadians still seem to hold for that institution.  I mean, it is just wrong on so many levels.  First of all, they have no business in this country, given that Canada is no longer a British entity and thanks to New France, never was actually.  But there is this whole question of colonialism and of how illegally the British Crown expropriated land belonging to the First Nations, who by UN charter, are entitled to have every square metre of that land returned to them.  And there is also the nonsense of the Governor General, since Canada is a completely sovereign nation and has, or should have, absolutely no need for this kind of foreign meddling, even  if it is strictly symbolic  I could go on..."

"But there is no need to", says Carl.  "I agree with you one hundred percent."

"As do I", says George.

"But we would be so much poorer without the monarchy", says Jeffrey. "Think of all that they bring to us."

"Rather, think of all they have taken", says George.

"Oh, don't start again."

"I'll shut my hole if you shut yours, honey."


Wednesday 3 April 2024

The Peacock 1199

 "Especially after the way he treated poor Princess Diana." says Jeffrey, becoming just a bit too cloyingly upper class British twit for my stomach.

"Especially the way he dumped a dish like her for Camilla", says Carl.

"Ugh! The Royal Horseface", moans George.  "And to think that trashy old bitch will one day be the  queen."

"Which is to say", says Carl, "If his mummy doesn't end up outliving hm.  She's, what, ninety-five now, and still doing her job?"

"She's getting pretty frail now especially with the death of Philip last month, and he was just a month or two shy of turning one hundred", say I, my usually dormant interest in the British monarchy now starting to stir awake.

Says Carl, "So do you know what Elizabeth said to Philip on their wedding night?"

"What", says François.

"Mount, Batten."

"Oh, please help me to unthink that!" groans George.

"No more disgusting or less disgusting a visual than the Royal Tampax", quips Carl.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

The Peacock 1198

 "Look. you guys both have first pick of my condo if you happen to like it.  No one will track you down there."

"Except for Erik's sister and her creepy alien boyfriend", says George.

"It isn't you they're after."

"I don't much fancy the idea of living downtown", says Jeffrey, really piling on his British upper class schoolboy charm, then he yawns and stretches languidly, "I have come to rather prefer life in the country."

"Have you guys talked bout turning Anglican", says François.

"From pope Francis, to pope Lizzy", says George, "I really don't think so."

"That is actually why my parents converted to the Catholic faith before we immigrated from the UK", says Jeffrey.  "Dad couldn't stomach being in a church headed by British monarchy."

"Especially with Charly taking over once Lizzy croaks", says George.

"Wait a minute", says Carl, "Didn't he once tell Camilla that he wanted to be her own personal Tampax?"

"Exactly", says George.  "Who in their right mind would want to join a church headed by that?"

Monday 1 April 2024


 "What is ir?" says Carl when I emerge into the living room.  Francois has ceded space for George on the couch and Carl and Jeffrey both occupy the armchairs.

"Greta has tracked him.  She just sent him a threatening text."

"What's he going to do?"

"I told him to get rid of his phone, and in the meantime to not accept any more calls or texts that are not from me."

"Then what."

" I told him I'd buy him a new phone tomorrow:"

"We can do that together.  I have to go out there tomorrow anyway to see my mom."

"Thanks.  That would be a great help."

"What's this all about?" says Jeffrey.

"It's kind of long and complicated.  But there's this guy my ex wife is living with in Sweden and they're involved in some kind of nefarious network in which they are trying to implicate Erik, her brother.  That is why he came here to stay with me, to try to escape from them."

"Won't this be putting you, and by extension, us, in danger?" says George.  "I mean, haven't we already had enough of this kind of drama?"

"And you guys came to us, expecting a boring and normal life", says Francois.  "Oh,  you are just too funny!"

Sunday 31 March 2024

The Peacock 1196

 "Hi Erik.  What is it?"

"Greta.  She just sent me a text."  He looks truly terrified right now, barely able to get out the words.

"What did she say?"

"She just says they know I'm in Vancouver and that I'll be staying with you.  Thing is that they think I'm staying right now in the condo downtown.   They really are pretty stupid.  They haven't even guessed that I would be under quarantine."

"Have you responded?"


"Good man.  Listen, throw away your phone.  I will bring you a new one tomorrow.  And I am going to do the same for myself just in case she tries to contact me.  In the meantime, don't respond to any calls that are not from me."


"How's your chocolate supply?"

"Getting low."

"How about the books."

"Could you bring me one or two more"  I'm reading fast and voraciously..."

Saturday 30 March 2024

The Peacock 1195

 "Who does most of the cooking here?" says George.

"We all do", says Carl.  "Chris really knows how to cook."

"We all know how to cook", says Francois.  "As do you guys.  We are looking forward to both of you having your turn in the kitchen."

"Do you have yellow split peas?" says Jeffrey.

"We can buy some tomorrow", says Carl.

"Ham?  Bacon would also do in a pinch."


"Tomorrow I will cook up a batch of split pea soup."

"That's one of my faves", says Francois.  Can I help."

"Only if you're good", quips George.  "Hey, where ya goin."  He says as he sees me leaving.

"Just got a second text from Erik. He wants to skype with me.  Says it's urgent."

Friday 29 March 2024


The food is excellent.  I have decided to go all out, so I set the dining room table with Dad's best bone china and silver tableware.  He really did have a taste for fine things, though he always tried to restrain himself.  For him they were guilty pleasures, and only rarely would he go all out like this.  But the plates are beautifully patterned with gold edging and a fine blue floral motif.  English of course.  Royal Doulton.  Everyone seems too hungry to make a lot of conversation, apart from Carl's at times copious commentary on how good everything is.

I have just gotten a text from Erik, so I will go on Skype with him after dinner...

Thursday 28 March 2024

The Peacock 1193

"I hope he's okay, wherever he is", says Jeffrey.

"Oh, Please!" hisses George at his partner.

"Well, he is a human being, after all."

"And so was Adolph Hitler.  Do you still have a soft spot for Pope Douglas?"

"I have compassion for him."

"You have compassion for everyone."

"I suppose I do.  I married you, didn´t I?"


"And Douglas did take me into his confidence for a while.  I mean at first, before he got really bad."

"What did he tell you?" says Carl.

"He had a really abusive childhood.  His dad used to beat him up."

"Which gave him his training for what he did to us", says Francois.  "I'm sorry, but there are limits to my compassion."

Carl  looks at his phone.  "Food's arrived."

"Let's eat in here on the bed ", says George.

"We are eating in the dining room", say I, getting up with Carl who is already on his way to the front door...

Wednesday 27 March 2024

The Peacock 1192

"At least they've locked him up now", says George."

"He's back on the loose, according to Father Griffin, who had legal custody of Douglas", says Carl.

""Oh my God", says Jeffrey.

"I wouldn't be too worried", says Carl, he looked pretty broken and pathetic last time we saw him.  I think we should be more concerned about how he is because there is no way he can do any more harm."

"You are a saint", says Jeffrey.

"Just realistic."

Tuesday 26 March 2024


 "Father Polonius really seemed to have it in for you, Frankie", says Jeffrey.

"When I refused to suck the fat pig's stinking cock he started giving me extremely ugly jobs to do as punishment, as well as naming me the Little Black Boy."

"We thought there was something going on there, Frankie", says George.  "But everyone was so hush hush amd secretive.  They were all really terrified of  him.  We certainly were."

"You guys, I was wondering if, from now on, you could call me François."

"Oh, okay" says Jeffrey.  We didn't know we were offending you."

"Not in the least. I just seem to have outgrown Frankie."

George gives him a long and scrutinizing look and says, "I do believe you are right Francois.  Come to think of it, I never before noticed how much you have grown over the past couple of years, especially since you escaped from Douglas."

Monday 25 March 2024

The Peacock 1190

 "What did you tell him." says Jeffrey

"Well. I didn't exactly plan it that way, but he is now also excommunicated from the church."

"You don't mean to say", says George.

"I told him everything."

"Frankie, how could you!", and only now have I heard George's nickname for our Rwandan-Canadian friend.

"Well, you'd might as well tell us then", says Jeffrey, clearly resigned.

"While I was still at the abbey this Hutu bastard came to me for absolution for torching the church in Rwanda where he murdered my father.  He did not want absolution for murdering my father, nor anybody.   Just for burning down a church. Of course I refused, and told him to get lost before I killed him.  You think I'm going to carry a secret like that for the rest of my life?   I'm glad to be gone from those vipers"

"Father Augustine excommunicated", says George.  "It couldn't have happened to a worthier candidate."

Sunday 24 March 2024

The Peacock 1189

 "Isn't that a bit sudden?" says Jeffrey.

Looking to Carl and I, Francois says", Well, who's going to tell them?"

"Okay, I will", say I.  "Francois has broken the seal of the confessional."

"How did that happen?" says George.

"No", says Jeffrey, "Don't tell us or we could also get thrown out."

"But isn't that what you both want?"

"We wanted to get married.  We're both fine with leaving the priesthood.  But we don't want to lose the church", says George.

Francois is frantically scrolling on his phone.  Then he says, "I really don't know how you two could have been so naive about marrying each other, but here it says that you are both now automatically excommunicated.  Ever since tying the knot.  Here it is, if you don't believe me"

"We already knew", says Jeffrey, "We just hoped no one would find out."

"Which means", says Carl, "That like Jeffrey already said, you three really are all in the same boat."

Says Francois, "Let me tell you guys about a little phone chat I had just the other day with Father Augustine.  Yes, I mean THAT Father Augustine..."

Saturday 23 March 2024

The Peacock 1188

 Carl has moved up to where I am still lying and now we are both stretched out side by side on the bed.  George and Jeffrey are both seated cross legged at our feet, and François surveils us all from the wicker chair with an ironic grin of perpetual bemusement.

"So now what are we all going to do?" he says.

"Sit around and gossip?" say I.

"About whom?" says George.

"I have an idea", says Jeffrey.  "francois, we have hardly ever really spoken to each other since we left the  abbey, and since the three of us are in the same boat, I was wondering if we could all talk more about our experiences there and, and how we're all doing now."

"Like group therapy?" says Francois, still smiling.

"No need to be cynical", says George tartly.

"I actually think it's a great idea. I'll start.  I have just been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church.

"You what!" says George, now genuinely alarmed...

Friday 22 March 2024

The Peacock 1187

 "Who likes curry?" says George.  

"Thai, Indian, or Japanese?" say I.

"There's such a thing as Japanese curry?" says Jeffrey.

"Yes", says Carl, "And it's excellent."

"We're having Indian", says George.  "Carl, your credit card details, please."

"I will take care of that", he says, grabbing back his phone from George.

And now Francois has arrived at the door, his eyes rather wide at first, then smiles and says, "Is this an orgy?"

"Are any of us naked?" says George, sounding just a little bit pissed off.  Then he breaks into a broad smile and says, "Come and join us, there's still a little room.

"I think I'll sit here instead", says Francois, going to the wicker chair,

"Oh, you're such a role model", says George, suddenly laughing....

Thursday 21 March 2024

The Peacock 1186

 "Don't mean to break up your little sleepover."

"This does look almost like a pajama party, doesn´t it." says George.

"Welcome to my afternoon slumber party "say I.

"When do you want to get going?" Says Jeffrey.

"About five minutes ago."

"I'm not hungry yet", says George."

"Nor am I say I.  "And I'm still not ready to move from this bed yet."  In fact, I am feeling very nicely swaddled in that warm dry fog of half sleep, half wake.

"I'll count to five", says Carl.  "One...Two...Three..." and before he can get to four, George has just grabbed him by the arm and pulled him onto the bed next to him, where he is now lying between us.

"Hey, this is a mutiny!"

"Oh good, you have your phone with you", says George, yanking it out of his hand.

"Hey, who the fuck do you think you're calling on my phone!"

"Door Dash."

Wednesday 20 March 2024

The Peacock 1185

 "This is your family home", says George.

"Except for the condo downtown where I lived with my wife, I've never lived anywhere else."

"I didn't know you were married", says Jeffrey.

"That was a long time ago.  She's in Sweden now and has remarried and has a kid now.

"You mentioned that you have a brother in law", says Jeffrey.

"That would be Erik.  He came out to see me, but is in covid quarantine till next week and he will be living here with me, or with us, should you both accept my offer.

"What's he like?" asks George.

"Early thirties, quiet, bright, sensitive."

"What brings him here?"

"Problems with his sister, my ex."

"Bad problems?" says Jeffrey.

"Very bad."

"What happened to the condo?" asks George.

"I still have it.  It's furnished, liveable, if you guys would prefer to live there that could also work, but you would be right downtown."

"What would be Carl's stake in all this" says Jeffrey.

"He wants us all to live together with him under one roof in New West like one big happy family", say I.

"You bet I do", says Carl, standing in the doorway smiling.  "You guys ready or what?"

Tuesday 19 March 2024

The Peacock 1184

 "Oh, you're awake", says Jeffrey to his husband.

"Or I could be walking in my sleep", he says with a wicked little cackle. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything"

"Oh we were just having a little chat."

"About me, I presume", says George, still standing.

"About us.  Christopher has invited us to live here with him long-term."

"Hm, that could be a delicious proposal", he says, sitting down on a corner of the bed.

"Of course, you both might prefer the house that Carl has just bought."

"Well, our options are going to be limited, what with the cost of housing in this city", says Jeffrey.

"And this damn covid pandemic..." says George.  "I assumed that you would be throwing your lot in with Carl."

"I still have a lot of thinking to do", say I....

Monday 18 March 2024

The Peacock 1183

 "What do you guys plan to do?"

"Sometime we would like to get our own place.  And return to work.  We're both experienced and fully qualified university professors, for George early church history, for me medieval history, but our fields are so elite and unusual and our background solely limited to the seminary that we might have to settle with driving Uber or making espresso."

"Do you think you might have a future here with us?"

"We don't know.  We are going to need time to find out."  He pauses to look at me for a while, reclined on my father's bed, as though he is an art thief quickly examining a painting by a renaissance master before deciding to walk off with it.  I am starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable.  "What are your plans, Christopher?"

"It's all up in the air.  First it's wait and see with Carl buying that house.  I would like to stay here.  In fact, you and George might consider living here with me long-term if you want.  I think Francois and my ex brother in law would also be living here, but there should be room for all of us."

"There's lot to think about."

"But we also have time on our side."

"You bet we do", says George, standing at the door, a big grin on his face....

Sunday 17 March 2024

The Peacock 1182

 "Well, I can't say I've had much practice as a marriage counsellor.  What's up?" And right now I am feeling jarred at how direct I have been becoming since returning home here.

"George and I have known each other almost all our lives.  We grew up together in East Van.  Went to school together, church, then seminary, the priesthood, the abbey.  And now we're married.  We have been each other's whole lives, and now suddenly he's fallen asleep on me and for the first time ever I'm annoyed by his snoring."

"And that's all?"

"My entire life has been George.  George's entire life has been me.  We're not even forty yet.  Our birthdays are just two days apart.  And now here we are, married for six months and after escaping that monastery for that crazy mansion, now here we are with you in your family home.  It's all too much to take in."

"Have you either of you ever dated other people?"

"We took each other's virginity.  There has never been anyone else."

"And you're complaining?"

"I don't know.  It's all been so much to take in..."

Saturday 16 March 2024

The Peacock 1181

 "Am I disturbing you?" he says shyly, standing tentatively by the partially open door.  

"Well, I'm awake now, so you'd might as well come in."

"Do you want me to leave the door open?" he says.

"Yes, please."  And there is no way I am going to entertain a married man in my bed chamber with the door shut.  He still looks hesitant and uncertain, so I motion towards the wicker chair n the corner.  There are a pair of jeans and a sweater draped on it.  "Just toss them onto the bed here and sit down and make yourself comfortable."

"I'm sorry to bug you, like this.  George is sound asleep and I was bored but just felt to shy too go out and visit the others, and..."

"And you were wanting to talk to me about George, or about your relationship, anyway."

"Well, um, yes.  I guess you're right..."

Friday 15 March 2024

The Peacock1180

 I almost have to ask permission to go off to my room for a nap.  Well, they are going to have to get over it.  Or Carl is going to have to get over it.  I am bloody tired, and no I am neither looking at my phone or my laptop because I know that Erik has sent me at least one text already, if not two or three.  I'll look for him after my nap.  I am so bloody tired and even now atop my father's big bed I can feel myself sinking, and sinking, and sinking...

Someone is knocking at the door.  Carl, but I am unable to answer as the bed pulls me down for yet more sleep...and now there is another knock.  This time loud and insistent.  "Yeah?"  I  am feeling anything but polite.  Slowly the door pushes open.  Jeffrey's pale English schoolboy face appears in the halflight...

Thursday 14 March 2024

The Peacock 1179

 "So how are our guests?" says Francois.  Carl is staring at his phone with rather a worried and pensive look on his face.

"I shut them up in the room together so they can get some rest, or, get whatever.  Carl, what's up?"

"I just had a little chat with my sister.  She is not at all pleased that we are harbouring two fugitives."

"Say what?"

"We have a joint bank account that almost everyone in the community has access to.  Mel is royally pissed that neither George nor Jeffrey surrendered their card before they left."

"What did you tell her?" say I, easing myself into an armchair.

"I told her to get over it.  They are still part of the community."

"And what did she say?"

"Nothing.  She hung up on me."

"So now what are you going to do."

"Knowing Mel,  I'll get another call from her tomorrow, completely innocuous, and nothing will be mentioned about it."

"What time do you want to go for dinner?"

"Maybe in an hour.  Hey, where are you going?"

"To my room, to lie down for a while.  Call me when you're ready..."

Wednesday 13 March 2024

The Peacock 1178

" It looks comfy", says Jeffrey.

"Try it out", say I.

Jeffrey glances pointedly at the roller suitcases now piled on the bed, then glares at George.  

"Oh, all right", says George with theatrical flourish, then begins to move the luggage to the floor.

"Much better", says Jeffrey  who then gracefully lets himself fall onto the now empty bed.  "Oh", he says, "This is divine.  C'mon over Georgie."

"Later darling, I have a headache", he replies, taking to the red armchair in the corner.  It is a vintage Art Deco chair with wood trim on the arms, upholstered in burgundy velour.

"Christopher", says Jeffrey, "Do come and test this lovely mattress with me."

"But you are a married man", I reply winsomely.  Then glancing at George who seems rather amused at his husband's playful flirting with me.  "How about if I leave you two alone for a while."

As I am headed for the door, George says, "But I thought we were going for dinner", he says.

"I'll let you know when we're all ready to go", say I, as I slip out and gently close the door behind me, completely unable to get this silly smile off my face...

Tuesday 12 March 2024

The Peacock 1177

 "Wow", says George, "Your dad has quite the book collection", and he is right, since all four walls in the den are completely lined from floor to ceiling with books.

"Hey, they're all arranged and organized according to the Dewey Decimal System", says Jeffrey.  "Here's Philosophy, psychology, religion, mysticism, sociology, and languages, sciences, horticulture, politics, international law, history, art, literature.  He must have been incredibly well read."

"And on this wall", say I. "you will find fiction, literature, and mystery thrillers.  You guys can stay up reading all night if you want."

"We'd might as well", mutters George with a certain look in his eye, and Jeffery can only burst out laughing.

"Here's the sofabed", say I, pulling out the fully made comfy wide mattress, almost sparkling with a crimson red comforter covering white sheets.  "There are some pillows in the closet."

"I like this", says Jeffrey, and George simply shrugs as he sets their suitcases on top of the bed...

Monday 11 March 2024


 Says Carl, "I say we should all go out and celebrate.  Dinner's on me."

"What else is new", says Francois, snickering.

"Where should we go, Chris?"

"There's a couple of nice new restaurants on West Tenth we could check out."

"Could we first see where we will be sleeping?" says Jeffrey.

And now I am leading them both to the den, just on the other side of the bathroom from my father's bedroom.  I wonder what he might think of a male couple occupying his hideabed.  Maybe now in the hereafter he has finally come to his senses.  He might even let me know tonight after I have turned out the light.

Sunday 10 March 2024

The Peacock 1175

 "Jesús has offered to drive your car down here tomorrow."

"That should work" and now I am feeling so relieved and so delighted that I really don't know what to think, do or say.  That knowing that I am never going to have to see that bizarre monstrosity in the wilderness again.  That now I can just resume having a normal, or almost normal life, now made interesting by my new friends...

"So", says Carl.  "Are you happy?"

"You could even say that I a completely speechless and completely stupefied with joy."

"We know how you feel, Christopher", says George, "We know exactly how you are feeling..."

Saturday 9 March 2024

The Peacock 1174

 "You can't be serious", says Jeffrey, "Robert Griffin?  After all the harm he's done?"

"Jeffrey, chill", says Carl.  "We stopped in to see him on our way out here and he has sincerely and penitently apologized.  And besides, in the balance of things, he actually has been very good for the place."

"He did inflict Douglas on us.  Thank God he's been apprehended and locked up somewhere."

"Actually, no", says Carl."

"You mean that monster is at laarge?"

"According to Robert, he disappeared.  He had been placed in Robert's custody and then just simply vanished."

"Oh my god", says George.

"Hey, Chris", says Francois, "I just got a text from Jason.  He says he found your keys in your car."

"I must have forgotten them..."

Friday 8 March 2024

The Peacock 1173

 "This all happened pretty fast", says George.

"Four days" says Carl, "But who´s counting."

"You are", says Francois.  "I can explain what happened.  When we were on our way here from the mansion we stopped in New Westminster for lunch, later took a walk in a nice area full of big old houses, then Carl saw this place for sale, scanned the Q and R code, and the rest, as they say, is history."

"When can we see it?" says George.

"I have to see Willy to pick up the keys", says Carl.  "When we've arranged a date you can both come out with me."

"What's going to become of the big house?" says Jeffrey.

"Once my mother has bounced back she can run the place with Mel and Robert Griffin..."

Thursday 7 March 2024

The Peacock 1172

 "Who is this Wee Willy Wang?" says George, not knowing whether to laugh or gag.

"He's the real estate agent who just sold us a lovely vintage Victorian era mansion in New Westminster" says Carl.  "And now it's confirmed.  The house is ours."

"How did he get that name?" says Jeffrey, dunking a Peak Freens short bread into his coffee.

"Ew, don't make a lot of crumbs", says George to him.

"I'll try my best dear."

"He's Taiwanese.  Just twenty-two."

"What kind of shape is the place in", says Jeffrey.

"It's a bit of a fixer-upper", say I.  "Nothing too serious.  Maybe some painting and minor renos."

"Oh, look at you", mutters George at his husband, "You're getting crumbs all over yourself."

"You can always lick them off."

"Do you want to get spanked?"

"Oh, promises, promises!

"I think some of us could move in in a couple of weeks", says Carl.

"How many bedrooms?", says Jeffrey.

"At least twelve", say I


Wednesday 6 March 2024

The Peacock 1171

 "You are really on the ball, Carl!"  She suddenly turned into our own personal iron maiden, just minutes after you guys left", says George.

Carl lowers his head and doesn't answer at first.  "I might have known that would happen."

"Do you have room here for us for a few nights?" says Jeffrey, stirring sugar into his coffee.

"We have room here for you forever", say I. "Provided you don't mind sharing space with Lazarus, Jason, Jesús, and in a couple of weeks my brother in law.

"How much room do you have here? says George.

"There is a sofa bed in the den for you guys, another sofa bed in the office for Lazarus and Jason, if they don't mind bunking up, and they have indicted that they are used to sharing a bed even if they are platonic, and there are two fully finished bedrooms in the basement for the other two

"Ooh, it is going to be cozy", says George, twitching like a campy queen.

"Hey," says Carl, "I just got a text from Wee Willie Wang."

"Wee Willy Wang?" say George and Jeffrey in incredulous unison.

"The sale of the house has been approved.  We can move in in a couple of weeks."

Tuesday 5 March 2024

The Peacock 1170

 No sooner have we closed the front door and taken off our shoes when we hear them pull up in the driveway.  The doorbell chimes and it's Carl who opens the door.

"Hi stranger!" says George, chiming like the doorbell, and soon everyone is exchanging hugs.

In the kitchen I am making coffee while Francois pulls from the cupboard an unopened package of Peak Freens.  Then he finds a particularly beautiful plate, all dark blue arabesque on white with gold trim on which he arranges the cookies.  George and Jeffrey are sharing the couch with Francois while Carl and I have each taken an armchair.

"What a charming little house" George gushes.

"After several years living in a sixty room mansion", says Jeffrey, "Naturally a lot of places are going to look small."

Carl takes the lead and says, "So what brings you out here"

"How many guesses do you want?" says Jeffrey.

"Um...let me darling little sister?"

Monday 4 March 2024

The Peacock 1169

 "We're just gonna head 'em off at the pass", says Carl.

"Why this sudden exodus"? say I.

"My guess is it's because of my darling little sister:"

"What do you mean?"

"I was on Zoom with her this morning.  She's lost all patience and is likely tyrannizing everybody."

"I never would have imagined:"

"I would", says François.

"She appears to rely on me for grounding and if I'm away too much she starts to lose it.  It's a feature of her autism, I'm afraid."

"Then maybe she should be coming out."

"Good luck getting her away from the mansion.  She's more territorial than a Siamese cat."

We are just about to roll into the driveway when my phone rings.  It's George...

Sunday 3 March 2024

The Peacock 1168

 There is no reason for returning to the condo , so we are going straight to the parkade.  As we are climbing into the van I muse out loud, "I could put them in the den for now, and tomorrow Jesús can sleep in dad's office, since it also has a small sofa bed, and there are also mattresses and bedding in the basement where I am hoping Jason and Lazarus will be comfortable."

"Do you reckon it's clean enough"  says Carl.

"Oh yes.  I gave it a thorough inspection.  The cleaners did a stellar job.

"I just got a text from George" says Francois.  They´re in Burnaby on Canada Way."

"Tell them to turn onto Grandview Highway and to stay on there all the way on Twelfth, and then on Tenth to Westbrook.  Once they´re on Westbrook tell them to pause and call me direct..."

Saturday 2 March 2024

The Peacock 1167

 Here back on Lagoon Drive Carl was all set to text for Uber, but this yellow cab has just appeared out of nowhere and we are all climbing into the back seat.  Francois is in the middle, I am on the passenger side and Carl is directly behind the fiftiesh South Asian driver.  We have become strangely quiet and the driver doesn't appear to be chatty.  Which is just as well, since one more time we all suddenly have a lot to digest, and Carl surely must be resisting conniption fits about what's going to become of the mansion.  And right now I am in a stew of resentment, knowing that my car is there and I will one day soon have to go all the way back to that house of horrors in order to retrieve it.  I am also trying to visualize my father's house, all crammed to the rafters, with me, and Carl, and Francois, and Jason, and Lazarus, and Jesús, and George, and Jeffrey, and Erik, and someone is going to have to stay in the condo, at least until the house in new West is ready for occupancy...

Friday 1 March 2024

The Peacock 1166

 "George and Jeffrey have just left today.  They're driving out to see us." says Francois.

"I imagine they could both have the condo", say I.

"Could we fit them both in the basement with Jason and Lazarus?" says Carl, and it is clear that he wants everybody all together under the same roof.

It would be crowded.  We will have to ask them.  Did Jason say what time they left?

"Just a few minutes ago.  They are going to text me for directions."

"Which means", say I, "That we had better get back to the house if we want to be there to receive them."

"I was enjoying this excursion", says Carl.

"Not bad for he who didn't want to walk here", quips Francois.

"Well, let's get back onto Lagoon Drive and get a cab or Uber..."

Thursday 29 February 2024

The Peacock 1165

 The azaleas are in their full blooming glory, huge banks of multitudinous fiery shades of yellow, orange, red and pink.  

"The yellow ones smell like cinnamon and cloves" say I.

"This place is just incredible", says François, picking up his phone..."I just got a reply from Jason.  He says he can come out tomorrow with Lazarus.  Carol is going to drive them.  It appears they are all abandoning ship..."

"What did he say?" says Carl.

"Everyone, which is to say the guests and a few others have decided they've already had enough.  Jesús is also coming out with them."

"We could put them both up in the condo", say I", and Jesús could stay with us at the house.

"Or they could stay in the basement."

"The others?"  Carl is looking particularly worried right now.

"They're all committed to staying on with my sister, for the moment at least, but they are also getting anxious, according to Jason."

Wednesday 28 February 2024

The Peacock 1164

 "Are you sending Jason a text?" says Carl as we flank him on the bench.

"That I am."

"This place is pretty decent", says Carl., turning his head in every conceivable direction.

"On the internet this park has been designated one of the ten most beautiful city parks in the world", say I.

"Try one out of five", says Carl.

"There's a huge azalea garden just around the corner."

"That's what we should we planting.  Azaleas.  Why did we never think of azaleas?" says Carl with flourish.

"Maybe your Dutch obsession with tulips?" says Francois.


"Just a token of my affection, Carl."

"How about another hug instead?"

"You just had one.  Maybe tomorrow."

Tuesday 27 February 2024

The Peacock 1163

 And this of course for me begs the unaskable question of what are we really doing together.  Unaskable because we are all really afraid of finding out.  Or because we already know the answer and none of us three really feel quite ready to face its naked impact.  Well, both my new friends need my support with  their mothers now ill with covid and I need their support as I begin to negotiate this new and fragile stage in my mental health recovery.  This learning to live without the numbed certainty of daily psychotropic medications and actually facing all my little demons unassisted and unarmed except for the courage of facing them and standing my ground.  And it is never a good idea to do this sort of thing alone, even though there comes the time when we can only do this sort of thing alone.  Francois has found a bench and already is seated while pulling out his phone...

Monday 26 February 2024

The Peacock 1162

 "It's a big park we're in , Francois", says Carl.  "I'm sure we'll be safe."

"It isn't quite that.  I just realized something..I am really a lot more connected to my mother than I ever before realized."

"Her having covid has made you more conscious of your relationship" say I.

"When I was putting on the mask, I was doing it in order to protect her.  Which is absurd, given that she is three thousand miles away and already has covid.

"You wish you were there to protect her?"

"Yes, I do, actually.  I really think she needs me right now."

"What's stopping you?" says Carl.

"I feel I am ,more needed here right now."

"And that you need to be here."

"Yes, I suppose..."

Sunday 25 February 2024

The Peacock 1161

 This is Lagoon Drive we are crossing", say I, signalling to the green bank of trees and foliage on the other side, "and so we just have to take this pathway down and we are in Stanley Park."

"I've never been here before", says Carl.

"Same here", says François.  "This is beautiful."

I am surprised how busy the park is with visitors, this being a weekday,  but we are in a pandemic, a lot of places are still closed, and people are encouraged by our public health officer to spend as much time outdoors as possible.  They are mostly walking or on bikes, some joggers, a lot of people wearing masks.

"Should we be wearing masks?" say I.

"You can't get covid outdoors", says Carl.  "It's an overreaction."

 François is putting on a mask.

"How big is this place?" says Carl.

"I think it's a bit over two square kilometres", say I.  Francois has removed his mask and now stuffs it in his back pocket.

Saturday 24 February 2024

The Peacock 1160

 "I think I'm with you about not walking with your phone in your hand", say I to François.  We are right now passing through a neighbourhood full of low to medium rise buildings, and a few towers, but not on this block.  "You know, sometimes I even forget to bring my phone with me."

"I can't say that mine gets a lot of use", says Carl, "Except for when I'm working.  And right now because Melissa is needing an open line while I'm away from the house.  And of course, my mother."

"My dad was very worried about this technology, and he steadfastly refused to get one, he just had a basic cell phone for emergencies.", say I.

"Your father has been a strong influence on you", says Francois.

"Yes.  Unfortunately."

"Why Unfortunately.?"

And now a question that I just don't know how to answer.  "I don't know.  it's hard to say, I guess."

"You've not really given it a lot of thought till now?" says Carl.

"Something like that."  And now it looks like we are going to walk in silence again, for a while, as I stumble and muddle through guilt as the only one among us who was ever properly raised and loved by his male parent.

Friday 23 February 2024

The Peacock 1159

 "Wait a minute", says Carl.  "If he was missing for fifteen years would they not have known?  Would there not have been missing persons reports and searches?"

"Apparently his mother was getting phone calls from him every couple of months or so.  Yet he says he doesn't remember anything."

"Francois, text Jason.  Right now."

"Yes massah."


"I only do that to bug you.  it's a sign of affection." 

"I would prefer a hug, I think."

"Okay" says Francois, stoppíng in his tracks to enfold Carl in a warm sustained hug. 

"That's much better" says Carl as they gently disengage.

"As soon as we find a bench to sit on I will send Jason a text. .. And not a moment sooner."

Thursday 22 February 2024

The Peacock 1158

 "What was he saying?" asks Carl.

"He talked a bit about  when he was involved in that church in Melbourne he met this girl who he married.  He did mention that it was a sham, and the way he expressed it was like the old boys' network, two queer men understanding implicitly that they sometimes will marry women as a cover up or to try to cure themselves of their homosexuality, and of course it never works and usually leads to huge problems.  That part  I don't really have trouble with.  He says that when she left him she was pregnant with their daughter who he now wants to meet."

"But there is more", says Carl, as we cross at the pedestrian signal cheeping like an electronic songbird on steroids...

"It's the way he left her and what happened after.  The next day he got a phone call from Angela, remember she is Sarah's friend from back in Melbourne who connected her with the church and the faith.  Chuck says he got a phone call from her the day after and was informed that this position of street minister he is now working in would be immediately available to him if he would leave the country immediately and have no further contact with his wife.  And that he accepted it without arguing.  It just does not compute."

"Do you think he was hitting her?" says Francois.

"It could be.   Oh, there is something else as well.  He was apparently abducted to that island where Jason and Lindstrom were both guests, or hostages, or whatever, and apparently must have been there for fifteen years before suddenly finding himself flying back to Australia."

"Do you think we could get him to talk about it?" says Carl.

"Next  time we're sitting down I will send Jason a text and see how soon he can come down here.  I'm sure he can help solve this puzzle", says Francois.

"Why not text him now?" says Carl.

"I try to never be on my phone when I'm walking.  Don't want to turn into a tech zombie."

"If Chuck gets involved with us here, I don't think he is going to have much choice in the matter but talk about it" , say I...  

Wednesday 21 February 2024

The Peacock 1157

 As we are approaching Denman Street, Francois is the first to break the silence.  "Chris, were you and Chuck able to find enough time to talk together while I was on the phone with my mom in the café?"

"We had a little time, but didn't get into any personal stuff."

"I'm sorry.  I wonder if you should have gone alone to see him?  I just offered to come because I thought you might want some support."

"I am actually extremely grateful to you for coming.  And no I didn't want us to get too personal.  At least not this early in the game.  And besides, you're coming has helped secure us both employment."  Of course what I am not going to say, even though it is what I am thinking, is that the only reason Carl wanted me to go alone was that he would not be there himself and he would be damned if he was going to let Francois stand in for him with me."

"What did you and Chuck talk about?" asks Carl, now pulled out of his apparent funk over having to walk and not being allowed to look around in the book store.

"You don't have to, Christopher", says Francois.

"I think I should. There was something that he was saying that doesn't quite square with me..."

Tuesday 20 February 2024

The Peacock 1156

 It has been a couple of years since I have walked this route, and also a couple of years since my last visit to the park. I am flanked by Carl on my left and Francois on my right, who always appears to be walking half a step ahead of us.  I think this could be metaphoric, and that we both have much to learn from him.  I really can scarcely imagine three more different people to be thrown together like this, but isn't that always the way Jesus does it?  And how strangely well we get along.   We can even fight with each other and do it in a way that no one gets hurt. Well, so far, anyway.  We have only been together a week and a half, ten very intense days, and I sometimes wonder what could be our breaking point.  We each seem to have our turn at putting up and shutting up, but how long can we endure this.  The constant togetherness is in itself troubling, but right now seems inevitable.  I am just waiting for either Chuck or Francois to get so sick of it all, but I also know it is partly my own fault for not saying anything, for not having a spine, for simply submitting to the inevitable.  Ah...this learned helplessness.  When we turned off of Robson street to walk on Barclay, much quieter with parks and heritage mansions, Carl at first protested.  He wanted to stop and look at books.  Well, that is something he is going to have to do on his own time...

Monday 19 February 2024

The Pesacock 1155

 "What do we have on for the rest of the day", says Carl.

Ah...Togetherness.  That's what it is all about.  And now Francois and I both are being swallowed alive together in Carl's  whirlpool of neediness.  I don't know about Francois but I seem to have accepted it, and yes I even enjoy it.  Including Carl's relentless crush on me and his poorly disguised little fits of jealousy.  Stick a fork in me...I'm done!

"I've never seen Stanley Park, you know", says Francois.

"You know", says Carl, "Neither have I.  "Chris?"

"Your wish is my command."

"Is Georgia Street the best route for driving there?"

"We are walking", say I.

"No way!"

"We are walking" says Francois, with a light chuckle.

"Hey two against one isn't fair."

"But inevitable when we are three", says Francois with a big smile on his face....

Sunday 18 February 2024

The Peacock 1153

 "Does your friend have room for a crazy Dutch guy on his team?"

"We would have to talk to him first,   plus, he would want to meet you.  I think, Chuck's style of hiring has more to do with whether or not he likes you."

"And you don't think he would like me."

"Only one way to find out", says Francois.  "But aren't you going to be busy for a while, with your mom and with getting back to the mansion and everything?"

"I'm done with that place."  Now we are all seated together in the living room.  
Carl has taken over the couch with his manspread, and Francois and I are each in the two armchairs.

"I think also Chuck is particularly interested in aptitude and ability to connect with people on the street", say I.  Francois is a natural, me, I think I'm a disaster at it, but Chuck, from observing me, thinks I'll do okay."

"Does he still like you?" asks Carl.

"It's hard to say.  There is a connection, but for me anyway there is nothing romantic or otherwise."

"And for Chuck?"  Well, at least Carl is granting him his name and not just rendering him anonymous by referring to him as "My  Friend"....

Saturday 17 February 2024

The Peacock 1152

 Carl has just arrived ahead of us in the apartment and is just making a big pot of coffee.  I don't know why I call this place an apartment instead of a condo, but really there shouldn't be a lot of difference.

"How's your mom?" say I standing next to him at the kitchen sink while pouring me a glass of water.

"She is breathing on her on now, but they still won't let me see her.  They really want to keep this thing from spreading.  But they said I could try again tomorrow.  Plus, I delivered the goods to your friend."

"Thanks.  Thirsty?"

"Don't mind if I do".  So I pour him and Francois each some water.  "How did it go with your Australian friend?

From the living room replies Francois", It looks like Chris and I have just been hired to work with him caring for the homeless."

"No way", says Carl.

"We're starting our practicum tomorrow", say I.

"Are you guys getting paid for it?"

"Yeah", says Francois.

"How much?"

"We didn't talk about that", say I.

"But you should always negotiate for the best possible offer."

"Um..." says Francois, "This is the kind of work that just cannot be done for the paycheque.  Plus, we are pretty far from broke, you know."

"True", says Carl.  "Very very true..."

Friday 16 February 2024

The Peacock 1151

 "I worked with unhoused people in Montreal."

"You are a natural.  Would you consider working with us?  I mean, we are hiring soon, the pay isn't that great, unfortunately."

"I will certainly give it some thought."

"How about you, Christopher?

"Well, I am out of work now.  I was doing palliative nursing for quite a while, but the pandemic has put me out of work.  But, why me?  You noticed I'm sure how awful I was with your friends on the street."

"Please let me differ, if I may.  You approached them with care, respect, and interest.  And acceptance.  I could tell you were liked."

"I felt completely useless."

"As did I at first.  That is humility.  Please, both of you, do give some serious thought to this.  But I have to get out of here soon do do some outreach.  When are you coming back?"

"When would you like to see us?" says Francois.


"What do you think?" I say to Francois.

"Does this mean we're already hired?" he asks Chuck.

"How about a paid practicum?"

"Deal", says Francois. And I also nod in shy reluctant agreement...


Thursday 15 February 2024

The Peacock 1150

 "I've seen you here during mass", say I.

"As I have you on occasion."

"But you didn't say anything."

"Weren't you avoiding me?"

"Truth is, I didn't know it was you."

Chuck pauses between pouring out coffee in our mugs, then says, somewhat sadly, "Yes, I imagine the years have changed me somewhat."

"As they have for me", say I.

"Christopher, you have hardly aged in twenty-five years.  What is your secret?"

"Well, thanks, but I beg to differ.  I am starting to go grey, my hair is thinning in places, and getting lines on my face and bags under my eyes."

"Still hardly discernible."  And now he is smiling at me in a way that I find simultaneously creepy and appealing.  To Francois he says, "I noticed how well you interact with people on the street..."

Wednesday 14 February 2024

The Peacock 1149

 Chuck's office is in the basement of Saint James's Church, where Chuck has just disclosed that he is a regular attender, even though he is Roman Catholic and not Anglican.

"I have no intention of converting", he says, as he makes us a fresh pot of coffee.  "We're the only ones present today."

"I used to attend here", say I.  "Quite regularly."

"Yes, the special effects of Anglo -Catholic liturgy are something phenomenal", he says.

"I wouldn't mind checking this place out sometime", says Francois as he relaxes into a beat up armchair, and I into the other one.  Chuck is perched on the corner of the desk.

"This place has become something of a refuge for me", says Chuck.  "And I have free access to the church, so any time I want to run upstairs for a little quiet devotional time...I feel very spoiled here."  He attends to the coffee, leaping off the desk like a manic squirrel, and says, "How long ago were you coming here?"

"I was a regular attender for a while, then off and on," and suddenly I remember seeing Chuck here, just last year, several times, yet never made the connection...

Tuesday 13 February 2024


 We have paused to talk with strangers living on the sidewalk at least a dozen times and we're still on our way to Chuck's office.  They all look terrible, unhealthy, malnourished, strung-out on drugs, some appear to be dying.  I never knew that it would get so bad here, and I regret to this very day that I actually once voted for the provincial party that orchestrated this madness of disempowerment.  I have never thought of myself as political, and after the sad fallout began to appear on our city sidewalks I came to rue the day that I voted for those greedy clowns, and have never cast a ballot since, not in twenty years.  Francois appears to have taken quite naturally to the local homeless, and engages well, frankly, compassionately and humorously with some of them. He appears to be a natural. Me, I am completely out of my element, and totally embarrassed at my lack of compassion.  Chuck is fully in his element, and he is clearly welcome and liked here, even loved...

Monday 12 February 2024

The Peacock 1147

 "Who is this friend of yours?" says Chuck

"Jason lived with us for several years.  He and some others actually lived in that Christian community you visited before you disappeared and lost your memory.  In fact, you might even have met some of them", says Francois.

"What did he say about his experience?"

"Better that you hear it from his own lips. I will send him a text today and see if we can get him down to visit for a few days before you take off.  When did you say you are returning to Australia?"

"That's still up in the air thanks to this bloody pandemic.  "Can we touch base in a day or two?"

"We certainly can.  I imagine you are going to be quite busy", say I.

"Not extraordinarily busy.  A lot of my work is simply hanging out.  In fact, if you guys have time, I would love to show you our office..."

Sunday 11 February 2024

The Peacock 1146

 "Your friend also had amnesia for several years?"

"He did for quite a while", says Francois.  "Then he remembered everything that happened to him."

"What happened to him?" and Chuck is looking clearly frightened.

"Nothing bad.  In fact, quite the opposite", say I.  

"It's better that you meet him and hear from him yourself", says Francois.  "That could actually trigger your memory for you."  To me he says, "There's room for him in the house?"

"There's room for both of them.  And if they're still here when Erik is out of quarantine, well, I can set up a bed for him in my dad's office...

Saturday 10 February 2024

The Peacock 1145

 "You mentioned that your last memory was in Saanich?" say I.

"I was on a beach with this kid who had brought me there"

"Can you describe the kid?"

"I would say, no more than sixteen,  Beautiful, beautiful boy, very calm, gentle and super articulate, seemed to have the wisdom of a very old man.  He was dressed plainly, white shirt, faded blue jeans.  i can't remember what he said so much as his presence.  He had real presence."

"Francois", say I, "Do you have Jason's contact information?"

"I do as a matter of fact."

"I think he needs to be part of this conversation."

"Jason?" says Chuck, now clearly baffled and a little bit alarmed.

"A friend of ours.  He might be able to fill in some gaps for you.  Would you like to meet him?"

"Well, yes, I would imagine."

"Ï'll get hold of him today", says Francois...

Friday 9 February 2024

The Peacock 1144

 I'm especially reminded every day of how vulnerable I am.  Of how, except for a few strategic steps and timely encounters with kind people that I could well be huddled on the sidewalk between fixes or dying from a lethal overdose in the alley."

"Did you ever struggle with addictions yourself?" say I.

"When I was tree planting, and then everything went blank for about fifteen years or so, but I must have been in some kind of recovery or treatment centre.  I mentioned this to you while Francois was talking to his mom on the phone.  If it wasn't for my mom confirming getting monthly phone calls from me throughout that time, I would be at a complete loss."

Thursday 8 February 2024

The Peacock 1143

 "So, tell us more about what you re doing here", says Francois.

"I work out of an office in one of the churches in the DTES.  They have generously given us space in their basement and charge us only a token for rent, plus they are enthusiastic supporters of what we are doing.  Basically, I go out every day and chat with local street people.  I always carry naloxone with me in case someone's having an overdose.  And try to liaise people with help and services and hopefully housing, which is particularly a challenge in this city.  And often buying them food or taking them for meals.  But mostly it's about relationship building."

"Would you say", says Francois, "That by helping others, you re also helping yourself?"

"In every way..."

Wednesday 7 February 2024


 "But now you're back in contact with Hannah?" says Francois.

"last year, just out of the blue, she sent me an email.  There is no way we re getting back together,but we do seem to have become friends.  I have finally met Lara our daughter.  She is so adorable and I am anxious to see her in person.

"And there's your mom", say I.

"Yes.  She needs me and I am hoping to get out of here in a couple of weeks time..."

Tuesday 6 February 2024

The Peacock 1141

 "Did Sarah ever tell you about Angela?"

"A bit", say I.  "That she is older, part Aboriginal, and that she was in the past a sex worker with addictions but that she had since come into a very strong relationship with Christ."

"The woman is a walking miracle.  Anyway, we met for breakfast at the hostel, and before we even sat down she said that Hannah had already spoken to her, that she no longer wanted to stay with a husband who would not properly make love to her, and point blank she asked me if I was gay.  I refused to answer, and she said it wasn't important, but since I was now on my own, there was a posting for a street minister in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside that she thought was tailor made for me.  And she was right.  She told me she would give me the full contact info only on the condition that I completely respect Hannah's request that I not contact her again.  Of course, I knew I was being taken out of the way, but to tell you the truth, I love this city, Vancouver, and I really felt strongly the calling to come here...

Monday 5 February 2024

The Peacock 1140

 "Did you meet her in Australia", says Francois.

"Yes.  In the church actually.  There is a bit of a story.  Remember that hostel where I was living for a while,  in Melbourne?  and that's also where I happened to know your friend Sarah.  Well, Angela, who lived and worked there was involved in a mission church, they were Pentecostals.  Hannah was in recovery from a nasty addiction and was also recently minted, as we used to say about new converts to the faith.  She took a huge interest in me.  One thing led to another and within six months or so we were tying the knot.  It turned out not to be the greatest idea.  We were really quite incompatible, and I wasn't able to really be for her the kind of husband she was wanting.  We were soon fighting and arguing.  About almost everything.  Then, one morning I woke up.  She was gone. She left a note, simply saying that I must not try to find her.  That same morning I got a phone call from Angela, who only told me to meet her right away at the hostel..."

Sunday 4 February 2024

The Peacock 1139

 How old is your daughter?" say I.

"Just three.  I never had a chance to meet her."

"What happened?" says Francois.

"As I said, it is a long story.  I didn't even know that Hannah was pregnant when she left me.  Then someone in the parish informed me of this position for a street worker in the interchurch Network, and thought I should apply for it.  And of course, I did want to get away, make a fresh start, as they say. and here, I feel I have found my place, and where God wants me.  But my mother's partner died recently, from covid, and she is suffering from stage four cancer and may not be around much longer, and I am still waiting for flight restrictions to relax, but might make a try anyway to get back and spend time with her before she goes.  Plus, I have been in touch with Hannah, and she badly wants me to know our daughter.  Reconciliation is out of the question, since I was never cut out to be a husband or a partner, but we can at least give each other closure...

Saturday 3 February 2024

The Peacock 1138

 "Are you a libertarian?"

"I believe profoundly in the right to personal agency of every single human being on the planet."

"I don't suppose", say I, "Then that it would matter much to you that Carl's mother is in hospital, in intensive care with covid, or that Francois' mother now has it?"

"How old are they?"

"That shouldn't make not one iota of difference", sputters Francois.  "They are human beings, and as well as having personal agency as you call it, they have also been victimized by other idiots' use of their damn personal agency."

"I am really sorry to her that", says Chuck patiently.

We are quietly sipping our beverages, not daring to speak or look at each other.  Then Francois says, "Christopher mentioned that you are involved in street ministry here.  and yes, you also mentioned it", he says self-consciously.

"That is correct", says Chuck, in this determinedly cheerful manner that I never saw in him twenty-five years ago.

"How long have you been doing this" say I.

"Just over two years.  I came here from Melbourne to fill the position."

"And your wife and kid", says Francois.

"That is a long story..."

Friday 2 February 2024

The Peacock 1137

 But I'm not feeling quite ready to give it up.  I am suddenly feeling ornery, like a capricious dog with a stick in his mouth, just daring anyone to try to take it.  "are you scared of needles?" say I to Chuck.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Then what have you got against vaccinations?  How do you think they eradicated smallpox and polio, to name just two deadly diseases almost wiped off the map thanks to vaccinations."

"That was a different time, before the government got its hands into our very bloodstreams."

"And now you are being ridiculous", says Francois, clearly wanting to match my orneriness.

"I beg your pardon."

"And irrational.  What is your real problem?"

Chuck pauses, as though trying to collect his thoughts, but then seems to be discovering something as for the very first time.  "You know what it is" he says.  Then pauses, draws a deep breath as though preparing to jump off the high diving board.  "You know what it is.  It's that I do not want government, nor church, nor anybody telling me what to or what not to do, nor what to put into my body or not put into my body.  not now.  Not ever...

Thursday 1 February 2024

The Peacock 1136

"How is your mom's partner?" I ask, hoping to completely change the subject.

"He has tested positive but is asymptomatic.  They haven't figured out who got it first or who infected whom.  She's saying they're both to blame, since like a lot of Montrealers they were being cavalier about not wearing masks in public."

"Masks should be an individual choice", says Chuck.

"And so should making everyone sick", quips François, "We all have the right to infect others, including the elderly, the frail, the immunocompromised..."

"All it is is a kind of flu."

Say I  "I think you should pay attention to what Francois is trying to say.  Our healthcare system has never been so overwhelmed and now it is at breaking point.  This has never happened because of the flu"

"The healthcare system here is overextended because it is underfunded.  The exact same thing is happening in Australia."

"Do you think we might talk about something else?" says Francois.

"Maybe the weather?" say I.

"Well, I don't think we are about to change each other's minds", says Chuck, "And I for one do want us to have an enjoyable visit..."


Wednesday 31 January 2024

The Peacock 1135

 "You can't be serious", says Francois.

"Who are They?" say I

"The bloody corporations, heads of states, deep state and government, the whole bloody UN. the World Bank, the billionaires... it's all a global conspiracy for world domination."

Francois and I both sit here, staring at Chuck slack jawed.  Finally, we have met one of them in the flesh, the anti vaxxers, the believers in conspiracy theories.  Well, I must admit that Chuck's mind was not the first thing about him that I found attractive.

"Where do you get your information?" says Francois tactfully.

"From the internet.  It's all over the place."

"And you believe it?" say I.

"To me it all makes sense.  Look at this crisis of homelessness.  You're going to convince me that that wasn't delibertely engineered in order to keep the rest of the people frightened and obedient, compliant and submissive little slave wage workers that are too timid to unionize."

I don't like where this could be going, and especially I don't like that some of what Chuck is saying is actually making sense, so I look discreetly at Francois, hoping he can find some way of changing the subject...