Tuesday 26 August 2014

Do It Yourself

I just unplugged my ear.  Every couple of years or so my ear, usually my left becomes completely plugged with wax resulting in temporary hearing loss.  This happened just last week, the first time in about two years and what a nuisance because I had lost half my hearing in that ear. 

Now, I don't know what causes the wax build up.  I suspect that stress could be a significant contributing factor, especially the constant noise one is exposed to living downtown.  Especially from sirens, not to mention this goddam fledgling seagull (they leave the nest this time of year) hanging out under my window (I think one of my idiot neighbours might be feeding him) and its strident pathetic nonstop squealing.  In a way it might be the body's way of saying "Okay, that's enough.  I'm shutting down for a while."

My doctor, who practices at the local community health clinic today said that he was going to give me a self-care kit: basically a syringe that looks rather like a turkey baster.  He told me how to use it with hot but not scalding water to help melt the wax.  I took it home.  It works like a charm.  Now I will always have this syringe available to deal with my ear wax build up.  Intermittently I could use it for a turkey baster.  But wait a minute, I'm vegetarian.  How easily I forget.

In passing I also mentioned to my doctor how much this reminds me of my arrangement with my counsellor whom I see maybe four times a year.  She thinks I'm fine and probably don't need to see her at all.  And I would agree except for one or two little details:

1. I'm a post traumatic stress disorder survivor.
2. I often have a lot going on in my life and sometimes things get pretty stressful and if you have been reading enough of this blog for a while then you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
3. I live alone and even though I have friends it is still at times easy to become or at least feel isolated.

My independent nature works well with this kind of arrangement.  Just enough support or input to help me keep a sense of proportion and otherwise it's do-it-yourself.  Now all we need is a refresher in do-it-yourself brain surgery.  Or how about a do-it yourself quintuple bypass? Neat, eh?

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