Saturday 1 October 2016

Autumn Feast

It's October 1 and already I am thinking of...Food.  This happens every autumn.  My hoarding instinct kicks into gear.  And suddenly I am shopping for everything that is wholesome, cheap, stores well and makes for tasty substantial meals throughout the coming fall and winter.  I used to have big old Mason jars where I used to store dried beans and whole grains.  I want to start doing this again.  Just a few days ago I bought a bag of dried green lentils.  I have only been buying the red lentils the last few years because they are much lower maintenance than their green cousins.  Measure one cup of lentils to four of water, heat to a boil, skim off the foam, simmer and in thirty minutes it's all ready for whatever you want to add to it.  In my case it's soy sauce and garlic powder, then any number and variety of other ingredients.  I am enjoying rediscovering the green variety of lentil which is a bit fussier to prepare.  I soaked them overnight, then in the morning while having breakfast I cooked them till tender then put them in the fridge.  When I got home I cooked them, adding one and a half bulbs worth of whole garlic cloves, soy sauce, miso, wine vinegar and mixed frozen vegetables and old white cheddar.  Oh, but so savoury, and the ultimate in vegetarian umami.

I am thinking of dispensing entirely of tinned beans and just buying the dried ones.  Much cheaper and more bang for you buck.  Also if I time everything well, they are not that fussy to prepare.  I just have to soak them over night, then cook them in the morning before going to work, then when I get home put them back on the stove, add nice things and then Bob's your uncle.  I also plan to stock up on potatoes, more frozen vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and maybe some apple sauce and sauerkraut, among other things.  Maybe dried fruit and nuts as well.  It's all pretty cheap, I'll still be getting my rations of fresh produce, but on the whole I expect to be eating cheap for the winter, hearty, healthy and tasty.

All of this I learned at the tender age of sixteen from my friend,
colleen, whom I used to call Big Bird, a hippy, turned political activist turned charismatic Christian who helped mentor me during a very difficult and very transitional time of my life.

It is amazing how many diverse and wonderful people I owe a debt to.

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