Tuesday 12 December 2017

Living With Trauma: The Healers, 31

I would like to open this post with an unfortunate comment made by a very obnoxious person on a news website, and my rebuttal: all these entitled attitudes that you should have your own place and it should be in a good area, clean, convient, comfortable.. if you dont like it then move and leave. its a society of dog eat dog . lol nobody owes you anything and nobody going help you. why would they. if you cant afford it then work harder and get a 2nd job or upgrade yourself to get a better job. whats wtih these people exepecting 15 hour min wage and doing low end job and we all have pitch in and pay for you. forgot about it Like · Reply · Nov 27, 2017 10:34am Aaron Zacharias · With your vicious nasty and hateful mentality, you're the one who should move. We don't need people like you in this city. Leave!!!! I suppose that I shouldn't be particularly proud of my reply, though I still think she had it coming. Yes, the commentator is a woman, though her mentality appears to be totally seeping with toxic masculinity. Her surname is Chinese, and is also a slang English word for penis. Her first name is English and suggests the loveliest month of the year. Her rather halting written English betrays her as an immigrant. Even the well-off moneyed immigrants have help and support when they come here, otherwise they wouldn't have made it. Simply that they would be welcomed here to have a better life for them and their families should imbue them with a sense of gratitude and at least a benevolent attitude towards the less fortunate who were born and raised in this country and who have lived here for generations, and in the case of our First Nations poor, thousands and thousands of years. I am going to assume that the writer of this ignorant comment has had it pretty good since she arrived here from, say, Hong Kong? Her hateful rant, is just that. A hateful rant. She is protesting the building of modular temporary housing for vulnerable homeless adults in her neighbourhood, Marpole. Very convenient for the venting of her hatred against the less fortunate that the housing goes up near two schools. But this person's words don't indicate a concern for the welfare of children, but simply a venting of her hate for people whom she would deem as losers and parasites. Since her experience of life is "dog eat dog", likely thanks to her alleged experience of ultra-capitalist Hong Kong, or wherever. Or, could it be suggested that this is the kind of person she has morphed, or devolved into? A greedy, super-competitive and selfish psychopath who cares not a straw for others and is motivated only by accruing wealth and power. This is the class of immigrant that our previous Conservative government under Harper wanted to attract to this country. Given that there is absolutely no sense of ethic in economics, especially in right wing or supply side economics, no consideration is given about attracting immigrants with ethics, compassion and a good communitarian sympathy. Money, money, money, money, money. While I'm glad to say that this woman isn't typical of all immigrants, there are still plenty like her in this country, and even more people with her lack of ethics and her hatred of the vulnerable who were born and raised here. But for an immigrant to express publicly their hate of poor people who were born here is even worse, because it makes for a particularly nasty optic and others are more likely to paint other immigrant Canadians with the same brush as poor-bashers. If this woman and her ilk are even remotely likely to think before they form an opinion they might learn that this is not an entitled attitude, but that unless a person traumatized by homelessness and poverty has certain supports in place, such as living in their own place, in a safe and decent area they are not likely to do well at even having one job (and some of them are currently working)they are never going to climb out of their hole, recover, find decent employment, training and education, they will never be able to offer their potential for the wellbeing and the betterment not only of themselves but the very society that will benefit from their doing well. We all need one another. This has nothing to do with entitlement, and the mentality of selfish individualism is simply the psychopathic face of capitalism. Likewise this sneering attitude towards minimum wage workers. The person making your latte, cleaning the toilet in your office building, stocking the shelves in your local grocery store, or who works side by side with people struggling with mental illness, has every bit the right to a decent quality of life as you do, you selfish and hateful woman, and denying us a living wage simply means that a lot of us are going to have to leave this city and that you are going to have to make your own latte, clean the toilets in your office building, stock your own grocery shelves, and good luck working with people suffering from mental illness because your ignorant attitude and total lack of compassion for others will simply send them into relapse or cause them to run away screaming or both. Like it or not, Bitch, you need us even more than we need you. Live with it, and shut up, or go live somewhere else.

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