Wednesday 8 August 2018

Collective Trauma: The Fallout 16

After some of the wretched misery that I write on these pages, Gentle Reader, increasingly I am wanting to put on my Pollyanna hat and go totally Disney on y 'all. Anyone know the words to "When You Wish Upon A Star", or, how about "It's A Small World After All". Yes, south of the border we have what could arguably be the worst US president in history, the Dump squatting in the Oval office, and there is Putin in Russia, Duterte the Dirty in the Philippines, and those monsters in Syria, Turkey, Hungary, and the beast goes on. We still have it pretty good here in Canada, despite Prime Minister Junior's betrayal of the environment and those who care for it by bailing Kinder-Morgan out to the tune of 4.5 billions of our dollars. On the other hand, he is a nice guy, despite the silver spoon and the cradle and upbringing of absolute privilege. And he did march in Vancouver's Pride Parade on Sunday. Yes, he kept his shirt on. Can you imagine the spectacle if all the world's leaders would take off their shirts from time to time for populist sexy photo-ops? Maybe not Donald Trump? Oh, I forgot, some of my Gentle Reader might be trying to choke down their breakfast right now. As annoying as I find him sometimes, I am still glad that we have Trudeau Junior instead of that dreadful helmet head who came before him, Stephen Harper, and this has nothing to do with the former's fabulous hair and everything to do with no longer having to live in a mean-spirited Conservative quasi-police state that will jump at any chance to dismantle human rights and programs for the poor. I have to admit though, that I also gagged on my granola every time I would hear someone from Mexico or elsewhere go on and on about how good-looking our PM is. As though that has anything to do with someone's ability to govern. People are such bottom-feeders. So, Gentle Reader, it looks as if parts of the earth will eventually be uninhabitable if something isn't done soon to halt climate change. And our billions keep on multiplying like Big Macs. This doesn't bode very well. Perhaps if we would scale back on our expectations of what the Good Life ought to be, live within our means, and use energy more prudently and make a bigger effort to actually live together and coexist in harmony, then maybe we will have a fighting chance, but there is still a lot of opposition to this idea of personal sacrifice for the greater good, and no one in the rising economies of China, India, Brazil or Mexico seem willing to do this. I can't think even of a lot of Canadians who would willingly use their phones and computers less, give up their cars, and try to leave a much smaller carbon footprint. I think it's possible but our hearts are really going to have to change, big time, before this happens. And we also know that by that time it could well be too late. In the meantime, I will try to do the small things I am able to do, by writing this blog and by practicing kindness and living in a spirit of gratitude and humility as I walk my path on this beautiful earth. Any takers? Kumbaya, anybody?

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