Saturday 1 September 2018

Letter To My Member Of Parliament, Hedy Fry (Not Necessarily Honorable!)

Hello Hedy: I would like to address again with you some of the issues surrounding the Trudeau Administration approving the 4.5 billion dollar purchase of the Kinder-Morgan pipeline. I am sure that you are well-versed already on the issues and having a son in the Green Party must make Sunday dinners very interesting for your family. That said, I was one of the three hundred or so who attended the demonstration in front of the Century Plaza Hotel Aug. 23 to welcome you and our esteemed finance minister. Unfortunately, upon knowing that we would be there, you moved locations to, I think, the Waterfront Hotel? Could be you were having chicken for dinner? First of all, I find it odd that during their visit last week, while BC was on fire, neither Prime minister Junior, nor Bill Morneau saw it fit to reconsider the purchase of the pipeline. The science is already in. Global warming is being caused by climate change. Climate change is caused by the burning of carbon and this has been badly accelerated by our reliance upon fossil fuels. Petroleum is a fossil fuel, and one of the major causes of climate change. BC is on fire with record blazes and smoke caused air pollution choking our cities. While there are other causes to these fires, global warming is high, even top, on the list. And your government still wants to go ahead and buy this pipeline. Even after the Supreme Court has weighed in and said no? Of course, in Alberta, there will be a loss of jobs. Boo-hoo! Having a job is everything, I suppose: pays the bills, the rent, the mortgage, puts food on the table. yes. So, then, these people who are staking their future employment prospects on this pipeline being bought and built: what kinds of jobs do they have to look forward to? Meaningful employment? I hardly think so. I have yet to hear someone convince me that getting paid to work in an industry that damages the environment and endangers human and other species' populations could qualify as meaningful employment. Those same workers, when in a few years time, and vast portions of the planet, including most of the Middle East and the Mediterranean Basin become uninhabitable and we are having to take in not thousands but millions of climate refugees, while our own country is being devastated and being made unlivable from wildfires, killer storms and floods, are going to have a lot of explaining to do with their children and grandchildren about the sorry condition they have left this planet in for them. Hedy, I have a lot of friends who have children and they are sick with grief and anguish about what kind of earth their kids are going to inherit from them, and this is going to be even worsened by the stupid and short-sighted decision of our stubborn prime minister and his equally pig-headed cabinet ministers to go ahead with this disastrous project. If the good voters in Alberta really want good, well-paid, sustainable and meaningful employment, then here is what we need to do. Kibosh this stupid decision to purchase the pipeline and invest that 4.5 billion dollars and the equal amount that taxpayers are going to be on the hook for paying for the construction of that abomination, and invest the money in clean and renewable technologies. We have no time to lose, it is already too late, but there is still time for damage control. And, Hedy, I challenge you to reply to each of these points I have just raised. your loyal constituent

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