Saturday, 9 June 2018

Surviving The Fall, 37

Humour helps, in fact, humour is essential if we want to survive the fall. It isn't simply escaping into silliness, but deliberately showing and exposing the things and people and parties and institutions that threaten us that they are really nothing, or at least very little, and especially reminding ourselves of how ridiculous they are, and of our own little absurdity for buying into the fear. Humour is born from suffering. When another, more powerful party tries to harm or damage us, they are really showing themselves as weak, brittle and fragile. That they would think that we could possibly get in their way and ruin their nefarious plans only shows then for what they are: sour, bitter little shadows; loathsome chimeras. Nothing more. It is unfortunate, though, that they also have at their ready the weapons, tools, control and influence to wreak great harm to us and we have to be ready for this, and these little forays of rebellion could easily cost us our lives. In some countries, anyway. We have things relatively safe here in Canada, but you never know, the widow said. Not being embedded in the power structures does give us a freedom and flexibility and a creative intelligence that are lacking in those hierarchies of authority. In a way we have the power to become spiritual guerillas. This has nothing to do with committing acts of violence because we are warriors of peace and there is no way to peace. Peace is the way. Blogging, for me, is a helpful outlet. It isn't just a matter of getting things out of my system and it is rather boring when others make that kind of assumption. Blogging is public. It is to inform others, to influence, to challenge, to inspire, to make people think and eventually to act, and hopefully to act in constructive ways. Our margins for action, for activism, are often narrow and hard to find, unless we want to go the route of wholesale violence and want to take the Man down. But this kind of thinking is always destructive, and we are the ones who end up getting hurt, not the power structures. So we have to take care. Our major victory is moral. When they go low, we go high. This also gives us tonnes of street cred. By laughing in the face of power, we are despoiling them of their most essential control over ourselves. We are taking back our lives because we are telling the dragon that his fire has gone out and it will no longer be kindled again. Getting our souls back is the first and most important step towards a complete revolution. The rest is not necessarily going to be a cakewalk, but when we know, and not simply they, that they no longer have power over us, then we can really begin to move forward and take what is rightfully ours.

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