Friday 18 August 2017

Historical Perspectives And Collective Trauma 14

I have some things to say to both of you, Juan and Ilhuitl.  First of all, I would like to thank you both for your courage in coming here, not only to a land completely foreign and unknown to you, but five hundred years in the future.  I only wish you both had some say in coming here.  The Millionth Council, for all their benevolent intentions, really don't have a lot of respect for individual free will, but such is the case with the angelic hierarchies.

Still, willing or unwilling, I am glad to have made your acquaintance and hope that we can go on being friends for a long time to come.  You will be experiencing what we call culture shock.  This is to say, when you arrive suddenly from one place and a certain way of living to another very different and foreign, it is going to have on you some, shall we say, unsettling effects?  And, Juan, you are getting a double dose of this.  You first came from your familiar and beloved Spain to the land of the Mexica, a place you had never seen nor heard of, where you encountered a different people, a different race, language, customs, religion, ways of living, ways of governing, climate, diet.  All of this was completely unknown and completely new to you.  Here you were just in the act of lopping of the head of Ilhuitl in the ambush you and your compatriot Spaniards made upon Montezuma's banquet.  You had just grabbed hold of his hair and were about to strike with your sword, and you were both suddenly teleported five hundred years in the future to the archeological ruin of the temple in the heart of Mexico City, the heir to Tenochtitlan.  There were agents from the Millionth Council present to whisk you to a hotel, provide you with clothes, other supplies and passports and documents and then to take you to the airport.  I really cannot go into detail about my own role in this, simply that I received a mysterious email from a do not reply and that you would be waiting for me at international arrivals.

I see that you are already mystified by things I am saying, so let me explain a little.  I can say nothing about the Millionth Council because I know nothing about them: only that they are an angelic hierarchy that oversee the wellbeing of our mother earth and that I am suddenly under their orders.  Concerning passports, those little books that you carry when you travel to other countries, that contain your picture.  This is how foreign travel is relegated now in the world, five centuries later.  Since Spain, England and France and Holland have colonized the Americas, which is to say the entire length of the part of the world that you live in, Ilhuitl, the world has become a much smaller place.  People from almost all nations in all parts of the world now travel every day to other countries, usually on great airships called airplanes.  There is a huge complex technology involved in air flight that I cannot explain to you because I know it so poorly, but it is not a strange magic as you seem to think, but a way of negotiating the air currents and the winds in high-powered flight.  This has made foreign travel easy and very fast.  I know this is a lot to comprehend and you'd might as well just accept it at face value.

If I could also explain something about computers, another strange magic that has frightened the crap out of you (Juan) or completely mystified and fascinated you (Ilhuitl).  These are incredibly complex machines developed over many decades and now they connect the entire world in a network of communications, images, and news.  Remember the map of North America I showed you?  That is from the huge advances in technology that were made in five hundred years.  I know this is just magic and witchery for you, because for you, the age of discovery and science have not yet begun, but in your era, Juan, this age is just beginning now and it is going to be revolutionary.

They are going to discover that it isn't God so much who has created this wonderful earth (though I and some others still believe him to be the first and sustaining cause) but incredibly intricate and complex interactions of chemicals and elements from their most minute particles, having gradually evolved from the simplest and tiniest forms to the incredible web of life that we are now part of.  They will find that the earth is much older than what your priests say the Bible indicates: not six thousand years old, nor six million, but closer to six billion, if you can imagine this!  They will find that human life itself evolved from older animals, descended from the apes, which descended over millions of years from other creatures and so on.  This they will discover from the fossil records of bones transformed over the ages in the earth to stone, and through the discoveries of chemical analysis for measuring the length of time past.  We will have the huge advances in mathematics to thank for all this.

In the centuries that follow, people are going to become more intellectual and less spiritual.  They are going to seek rational and logical causes, rather than spiritual and mystical to explain mysterious phenomena and for probing the mysteries of the human soul.  God isn't going to be declared nonexistent so much, and not exactly irrelevant, but rather not quite so directly involved in the course and process of things.  Of course there will be many arising who will completely disavow him and deny even his existence.  Others will still believe but will give greater heed to the rational.  This is not necessarily going to take away the sense of wonder over nature and the universe, but I think that it's going to mute some of the fear that now paralyzes you and your people.  This goes equally for both your cultures, the Spanish and the Mexica.

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