Sunday 25 November 2018


Gentle Reader, my computer is not working, and I am taking it in for repairs this afternoon, and expect that it will be functioning again Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Of course, this does give me time to reflect on how dependent even righteous little old me has become on this technology. It is easy to disdain phone zombies walking into lamp posts, but really we are all hooked. I am afflicted with that neurotic sadness, now, that says that my life is on hold, even if it isn't. I have books, art to work on, and a landline phone if I need to contact the world around me. Strange how the enough of yesterday is not enough today. I am also fortunate that there are computers in the common room of my apartment building and, being an early riser, I can have access while all the other tenants are tossing and turning in their narrow little beds. I wonder if it might be time to become less dependent on these machines, and to accept this break as an opportunity for rest. There is something inherently addictive about all this information and imagery being at the ready twenty-four/seven, and when it's gone, what do we do? Why, other things of course! I of course have also had to cancel Skype visits today and tomorrow with friends in Mexico and Colombia, but I'm sure we'll all live. I do feel very fortunate that I can afford a laptop, and the online connection, and that at this time, when it needs to go in for repairs, that I have enough money stashed away to pay for it or even, should the time come, to buy a new laptop. In the meantime, life goes on, with or without tech, and something tells me that where tech is concerned, less is still more.

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