Thursday 9 July 2020

What's Next? 39

I believe that there is a big door that will be soon opening for me.  I have no idea what waits on the other side.  And perhaps this is going to be an open door for a lot of people.  During this pandemic we are, I hope, learning to think less in terms of me or I, and more of us and we.  This is going to be quite a change from the selfish individualism that has marked this last half century or so, but we are ready for change.  Rampant consumerism and selfishness have made us ugly, selfish and crabbed.  Our collective soul has shrunk practically to nonexistence.  This is the time for change.

People seem friendlier than before.  It is much easier now to say hi to complete strangers, sometimes even to stop and chat a bit.  I am trusting that we are becoming a bit less afraid of one another  There are going to be those introverts, chronically antisocial, and otherwise troubled souls that never will take to the kindness of strangers, but I am confident that we are starting to improve a little. 

Time will only tell.   But one thing I am sure of.  It is not our governments alone that are going to help us get better, much as we need them for infrastructure, and help and support, especially at this difficult time.  It is going to require much more than government polices and interventions.  It is going to be up to each one of us, Gentle Reader.  This can only begin with where we are, beginning with the people within our reach, and then opening and broadening our circle from there.  We all have a part to play.  Now let's get going eh?  No excuses.

All for now, duckies!

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