Sunday 3 April 2016

After The Excitement Is Over

Now it is time for re-entry.  Tomorrow I begin work again following an absence of over a month.  I am still feeling weak and tired from my flight but it is time to start earning money again, since this is not a self-generating property.  I have been reading my travel blog and it has been an extraordinary time, with plenty of room for the absurd, the surreal, the annoying, the beautiful, the sublime and the mundane.  Now, back to ordinary life. 

Today a friend came over for coffee and we chatted first for a while in Spanish then English as we went for a walk together.  After leaving him on his own I thought at first to try to stay out for the day but realized I was needing rest and food so I went home for lunch, then did a solo walk for a few miles, followed by a rest on a park bench and concluded in a coffee shop where I did some work on a new drawing, another hummingbird of Colombia, one of the many glittering green species known as Emeralds.  The young woman working there commented favourably about my art and asked why I don't want to sell my work.  I explained that it doesn't seem like the right time, I am busy with my day job and really I'm doing this more for my enjoyment than commercial success, besides which, where would I look?  The art world is such an enclosed and self-perpetuating entity where your success is going to be based more on who you know than the quality of your work and it's commercial viability.  I do not feel ready to cope with having to knock on a lot of doors knowing that they are all likely going to be slammed in my face.

I took the bus home where I occupied myself reading, preparing and eating food, starting to work on my income tax, listening to the radio, watching a TV program online, working on a painting of a rose, listening to more radio and watching a Bergman film, Cries and Whispers dubbed in Spanish.  I am tired now and ready to finish my day.  Good night, Gentle Reader.

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