Saturday 2 April 2016

Now That I'm Back...

Well, the first thing I am noticing is that I'm still a little bit whacked though I have managed to walk some twelve miles today so it can't be all bad but I need to know when to rest.  My life is on reboot right now as I prepare to re-enter my professional life this Monday and then I'm going to be really busy.  In the meantime it is pacing.  International travel is very eye-opening and in its way invigorating but it can also take the mickey out of you.  Eating well, knowing when to rest, sleeping enough, exercise and enjoyment (healthy enjoyment) of life all make a difference.

I had dinner this evening with two good and old friends.  One is an accomplished anthropologist from Israel and the other is a pastor.  I am happy to feel that I've also been able to reconnect them because we all knew each other here in Vancouver ten years ago.  M. and I have stayed in touch by email since he returned to Israel.   Our other friend wasn't in contact and it feels really good to have been instrumental in rekindling their friendship.  My pastor friend is going to visit M.'s city in Isael next fall so they will be able to see each other again.  M  returns to Israel tomorrow.  We covered a wide variety of themes, among them my writings from Bogota.  He has given me a wonderful book about the history of our own First Nations People from my area of Canada.   This is going to be very useful since my knowledge about our indigenous people is very patchwork and rather scant and I have long wanted to know and understand them better.

Life is a blessing, you know.  Walking home this evening and going past some of the local homeless people was as usual troubling and a challenge to not buy into any negative or judgmental attitudes.  They are where they are for good reason and cannot be blamed.  I have no resources to help but I can pray for them and the prayer of faith can work wonders if we are praying in a spirit of love and compassion. 

Good night, Gentle Reader.  God bless you.

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