Tuesday 5 April 2016

Tax Thi$!

I have just finished day three filling out my income tax form with a plate of fresh strawberries nearby, focussing on calculating my provincial tax which I assume to be zero but I'm not keeping my hopes up and I do expect the dear people at Revenue Canada to review, correct and finish my very sloppy math.  I don't mind paying my taxes and I actually appreciate doing so as a way of demonstrating and feeling that I am also paying my share.  What I do resent is this tedious and at times infuriating process of going through complex annual math exercises at the behest of the government.  It is maddening and thank heavens that there is always someone at the other end to correctly dot my t's and cross my i's for me, but really Gentle Reader I am already quite good at crossing my own eyes please and thank you.

I believe in taxes.  If it wasn't for taxes my quality of life wouldn't only be drastically reduced, I would probably not even be alive.  All around us are the many evidences of the blessing of our public largesse: our streets, roads and bridges, our police, fire and ambulance services, our medical and health services, our sewer and water system, our schools and education system.  The decent little apartment I live in where I pay only thirty percent of my monthly income for rent and utilities is subsidized by us the taxpayers.  My job in mental health and addiction services is provided for by the government.  That's right, Gentle Reader, you are paying my wages for me.  Doesn't that make you feel special?

That we all have to pay taxes, willingly or not, says that we are all in this together.  We rise together, we are able to thrive or even survive because we all collaborate in caring for one another, especially the most vulnerable among us.  This is what makes us civilized.  While you are filling out your tax forms, and while you are calculating what you owe the government, while you are writing the check or entering the amount through Paypal, instead of cursing the government, instead of bewailing how they waste your hard-earned daily bread, instead of whimpering and whining about the new roof you wanted to put on the summer cabin, or lamenting that you are going to have to fly economy on your next vacation or that you're not going to be able to restock the wine cellar, just think of everything you are doing with your taxes to help make this country and its people, yourself among them, better, safer, cleaner, stronger, healthier, better educated, happier.

Now here's a hanky, Gentle Reader.  Dry your eyes...Blow your nose...And cough up.

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