Wednesday 7 December 2016

What`s Wrong With This Picture?

According to what I read in the paper today, housing costs in Vancouver are set to rise by up to fifty percent next year.  This after levying a fifteen percent tax on foreign buyers and kicking the snot out of Air BNB?

What is wrong with this picture?  Why have we become so numbed by greed and self-interest that the general good no longer matters unless you yourself are being affected?  Our governments impose these cosmetic toothless measures then wring their hands and make compassionate sounds as housing costs continue to skyrocket.  Are they really that helpless?  Or are they so in the pockets of the development corporations that they don't dare lose their precious funding and kickbacks?

And what about homeowners sitting on their mutating equity like a fantasy vulture sitting on top of a big fat radioactive egg?  Why aren't they being targeted with blame, since all they want to do is watch the value of their property grow and grow so they can turn themselves into accidental millionaires, sell and go buy a luxury condo in Costa Rica or wherever, without caring a damn about the role they are playing to make this city unaffordable and unliveable to anyone but the most obscenely wealthy?

Our lives have been ransomed by our elected governments to global forces of capitalism and international banking.  The rights and needs of the citizens of this country get only lip service while the wealthy one percent roll and grunt and squeal like pigs rutting in mounds of fragrant dung.  It is time for a massive resistance to be organized against these forces before we are all driven into the sea by these greedy rich bastards.  It is time for a revolution, for a real uprising of the people.  I am not calling for violence because violence simply breeds more violence.  We have only to consider the bitter fruit of most of the violent revolutions in history, which for the greater part, barring perhaps the French experiment in the late eighteenth century, have created violent and dangerous societies.

We need to take individual and collective action, resisting greedy landlords and unjust rent hikes, refusing to pay unjustly high rents, refusing to pay more than thirty percent of our monthly income for housing.  I am also calling on home and property owners in this city to resist the selfish temptation towards greed and to not hold out to sell to the highest bidder.  You don't really need those extra two million, do you now?  Not when one hundred thousand people, one third of whom are children, in this richest province of one of the world's richest countries have to line up at food banks?  Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?  How about, through mass direct action, imposing that homes in Vancouver be sold only at the national average, being less than half a million, to families and persons of medium and modest incomes.  The millionaires can all go to Grand Cayman.

We have to start taking back from this kleptocracy that is running our country and ruining our lives before we are all driven into the sea.

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