Tuesday 12 February 2019

Nuance 21

Gentle Reader, my Blogpost this morning automatically deleted, so I will give a brief summary here of what I was writing. There is a lot of unexpected snow happening here and this is from climate change. The El NiƱo phenomenon is still at play and it was hypothesized by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, a cancer research scientist and environmental activist and nun whom I heard speak at the forum of the World Council of Churches back in 1983 that it was likely the French government underwater testing of nuclear weapons in the South Pacific that was causing it. I am thinking that during this snowfall that here all the schools are closed, even though we're getting maybe five to eight inches of snow, which isn't a lot. I also am thinking how, when I was a kid growing up in the sixties, and we were getting a lot more snow, the schools never closed, at least not in my district. We were stronger and tougher in those days. I rather shudder to think of this current batch of pampered little rose petals, and what weak, self-indulgent little sissies they are becoming, thanks to their over-protective mommies and daddies, and that these are the same people who will be taking over in a few years. It is sad and a little bit frightening to think that we have become such coddled and delicate and self-centred little consumers. And that this mentality is going nowhere fast, but will long be the dominant ethos of whatever remains of Western Civilization. I hope I am wrong, and I really hope there will be a counter wave against this institutionalized coddling. We are going to be needing strong, healthy, independent and ethically sound leaders for our future, if we are going to successfully navigate our way out of this mess we have made of things. Time will tell. Sorry, that's all I'm going to write for today, since this laptop seems bent on destroying my blogpost if I let it. Bye for now.

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