Saturday 9 November 2019

It's All Performance Art 13

No one is going to listen to me. I have come to accept this. It could be for any number of reasons, but primarily it is going to be because I have no socio-economic status, and did not graduate from university. People like me are always going to be marginalized. Whatever we say, no matter how clever, intelligent, profound or insightful, or well-spoken, it is always going to be tainted by stigma because we have no credentials. We are insignificant, we are nonentities that had might as well curl up and die in our little dark corners. But I am still writing this blog. I know that no respectable publication, major or minor , is ever going to accept me as a writer or columnist, partly because I can get controversial, and tend to encourage outside of the box thinking, but I think for the most part it is really because I am marginalized. They are not interested in hearing our voices, because they don't want us to have a voice, and they are not interested in hearing anything we have to say, and if they do happen to be paying attention, then it's only to feel sorry for us, patronize us, make themselves look good to others and feel warm and damp and smarmy about their own exalted little selves, and pat us on the head with a there-there, how clever and brave you are, you poor disadvantaged little piece of insignificance. It is beyond insulting, even if from time to time they do sit up and take notice. But if you have no social status, even if your IQ places you on the dumb side of genius as in my case, no one is going to take anything we say seriously, because they're not going to take us seriously, because we are poor and live outside the mainstream. It is especially the way the news media, the CBC, for example, that is particularly insulting and infuriating, the way they refer to us as the Other, not people like them, but as a kind of side show spectacle for the entertainment and diversion of the masses. They will not give us the dignity of being human beings, neither are they going to even notice if we assert ourselves, and should we assert ourselves a little too loudly, they will simply be insulted and will seek whatever means at their disposal to shut us up and shut us down, be it through slapping us with a bogus mental health diagnosis or throwing us in jail. It is our very existence that threatens them because we are the living reminder of just what a nasty and unequal society we are living in, and that they have benefited at our expense. They cannot stomach the guilt, so instead they compartmentalize their compassion by focussing on reconciling with aboriginals, or smiling and jumping up and down with joy about their gay couple friends or their transwoman manicurist. They are so nauseatingly selective about their progressive cred. But if you are poor, you are nothing. The poor are the last legitimate targets for bigotry and exclusion, and they are not anywhere near ready to change this, since once we the poor have fully asserted ourselves, they will have run out of easy targets for their bourgeois animus, and then what are they going to do, Gentle Reader?

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