Tuesday 12 November 2019

it's All Performance Art 16

This is my response to a Facebook notification I received obligating all of us to go out and buy a red poppy to honour the war criminals (aka veterans) on Remembrance Day yesterday.:

"The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the fire bombings of other German and Japanese cities that likely cost millions of innocent lives make the allied soldiers every bit the war criminals as the Nazis. They have never faced justice for war crimes and this has to be reckoned with. I wear only the white poppy, which is the peace poppy and I try to remember all the victims of war, not just on our side. As for the lame and dumb argument that we owe our democratic rights and freedoms to their so-called sacrifices, this is what I have to say. I am deeply ashamed that any privilege that I enjoy was bought and paid for by the death and wanton slaughter of innocent people. Please stop boring me with your twaddle! All of you!"

 Here is my email, Sunday, to a popular radio broadcaster on a weekend program on the CBC:

 "Thanks so much for playing that song this morning. I get so sick of the patriotism and tub thumping that often fills Remembrance Day services, and I will be wearing (I'm wearing it right now!) the white poppy. I will also copy and paste here my email this morning to my parish priest. By the way,if you get any negative blowback from listeners, just read again my email and be encouraged. blessing

The same morning, my email to my parish priest, in response to their inviting an old war criminal to speak about his experience of the War in Europe in the 1940's.  (by the way, from now on, I am calling all veterans war criminals, at least during this season of collective brainwashing, called Remembrance Day)

 I've thought it over, and I will probably leave early and go downstairs before the old veteran starts to speak. This is because I still think this is inappropriate in a Christian service. if it was a survivor of Auschwitz, or the bombing of London, or the Nazi occupations in Holland or France, or if it was a survivor of Nagasaki, Hiroshima or the fire bombings of German and Japanese cities, then I would stay. However, commemorating militarism has no place in the house of God. Please share my email with others. see you there, and later downstairs, if you want to talk more about it. thanks and blessing.

That about says it, Gentle Reader.  We live in a country that prefers barmy and feel good lies over truth.

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