Thursday 2 April 2020

Quarantined 13

Tomorrow is my last day.  At least on Saturday I can go out shopping with a clear conscience.  For all you fear and anxiety-hobbled finger waggers who want to scold me for threatening your lives, I have this to say, besides, the pithy little words, "Fuck off and die!".  None of the hypocrites in my Anglican parish church came forward when I returned from my trip to find out if I might need any shopping assistance or other support.  I am still considering my options.  My apartment managers only have so much time to spare for shopping for at risk tenants.  None of my friends have come forward.  Plus, thirteen days since returning, I still have no symptoms, and the likelihood that I would pose any risk to your delicate and special and precious dear little selves is so slim as to be nonexistent.  So, I go out for walks, maintain safe distancing, and as needed, I buy food, because even lepers in quarantine must eat.

And just this little word to those of you who walk around wearing hospital masks.  They might improve your looks a bit (and they are a lot cheaper than plastic surgery) but  those masks are going to do absolute squat to protect you from getting sick.  They only work to prevent transmission, should you be carrying anything yourselves.  Oh, the fear...the fear!  And shame on you pathetic wankers for getting so consumed in your selfish fear as to forget that frontline health workers are needing those masks, and your little panic over your health has helped defraud the health care system of much needed equipment for caring for people sick and dying with covid 19.  Shame on all of you!!!!!

And for those of you who do not safely distance yourselves from others, I have this to say.  Shame on you.

We all have a part to play, but selfish and self-centred behaviour are not going to cut it.  I have received some help, and I am grateful for this, especially Renita, my building manager.  Unfortunately, I have had to compromise on my obligations because of the selfish indifference of others, and you know who you are, because you are going to be reading this!

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