Friday 3 April 2020

Quarantined, Day 14

This is my final day of Quarantine, Gentle Reader. I think I will be going out a bit more, but of course practicing appropriate distancing from others, which I think is also making us all neurotic.  Even though most of us are going to survive this, we are still all going to die.  Eventually.  It's inevitable.  It's written in the contract.  Any  pandemic is going to be inconvenient.  And scary.  Stressful.  Terrifying.  And the first enemy that we always have to combat isn't the virus itself, but fear.  We have to rise above fear, and I don't think that too many people in this secular era have the moral or spiritual foundations for rising above fear.  So, we are  generation of spineless, snivelling cowards.  We are a disgrace.

But judging others is unkind.  I still do it, because I am so disgusted with people these days and the plethora of face masks being worn by frightened little chickens who aren't going to be any more protected from getting sick than the rest of us.  And this is why our frontline health care workers are short on masks, which they need to protect the vulnerable patients they are caring for.  Fear comes from selfishness.  Not vice versa.  Fear is the toxic poison fruit of selfishness.  This is what makes love so much stronger than fear.  They cannot coexist.  Perfect love casts out all fear.

So, one may ask, what is perfect love?  Or what makes love perfect?  Does this also suppose that there is such a thing as imperfect love?  I do not have any ready answers to this.   I know that I am also afraid.  I don't want more people getting sick.  I don't want to get sick either, but I refuse to let this fear dominate my life.   And should I fall ill, one way or another I'll get through it, which is to say I will either recover or I will die, and I am ready to accept death, if it's my time to go. 

In the meantime, tomorrow, I can go out shopping.  Just in time, because I'm running low on coffee.  I will probably stay out a little bit more, especially during nice weather, while staying away from people, of course.  Oh, be afraid, be very very afraid!  We are going to get through this, Gentle Reader, but something tells me our heines are going to be very sore and very soon. 

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