Tuesday 24 March 2015

Bogota Journal: Final Week

I am already feeling as though half of me is now back in Vancouver.  I always look forward to returning to ordinary life no matter how enchanting the vacation.  I finished drawing number five last night and this morning started number six.  It will portray two blue necked tanagers, native to Bogota:Nice looking bird, eh?  I was up early, at around 5:30 and turned on the TV for some Spanish practice.  Also, because everyone here is an early riser and the kitchen is right next to my room I thought that if they heard the TV they would be assured that I'm normal, since I really prefer the silence in the mornings.  I ended up shutting it off anyway because the big news item right now is the big plan crash yesterday in Europe and one week before a flight this is just something I don't want to hear about.  I seem to have lost all fear of flying, by the way, and except for the usual incovenience of flying economy class on a douchebag ailrline like United (or Air Canada for that matter) I quite enjoy being up in the air.  The only reason I get nervous about air crashes is very simple.  Yes, one is much more likely to die in a car accident than on a plane.  Statistics have bourne this out ad nauseum.  But the likelihood of actually surviving in a plane crash?  Let's not go there, but it usually means tits up for everyone.

Yesterday it rained like crazy in the afternoon.  I only got caught in some of it when I left the internet cafe and endured fourteen blocks of pounding rain till I got to the grocery store.  Then it lightened up for a while and just after I took shelter in  cafe it came pounding down again.  Of course the streets were flooded within minutes.

I am trying to vary my walking routes as much as possible.  Sometimes I come across some delightful surprises, in the form of a park or a beautiful leafy neighbourhood with elegant old houses.  Other times it's a bleak urban scape with lack lustre buildings and crappy pavement.  Ecploring a new city or town for me is always like creating new maps for my brain.

I always enjoy returning to my little room in the late afternoon.  It is a refuge.

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