Wednesday 5 August 2015

Stranger Than Fiction, 33

In 2013 I was struggling with a reduced income given that the temporary supervisor and one of her coworkers appeared to have it in for me.  A new inexperienced worker, a male in his thirties suddenly had five clients to work with.  I, an experienced and highly skilled worker who had been there already for almost a decade, but now well into my fifties, suddenly had at best one client to work with, following a usual average of five clients.  Fortunately I was in the process of getting hired by another team that works with people with co-occurring disorders, addictions and mental health, and gradually my income began to go up.  Unfortunately, my situation at the other team has not changed significantly and I have little doubt that even after my usual supervisor returned nothing significant really changed.  The other young fellow left the team and another inexperienced and unskilled thirty-something male replaced him.  He now has five clients.  I still have only one.

Despite my lowered revenue I budgeted very carefully and strictly.  I had to give up certain luxuries, especially cocoa made from scratch every morning, because my weight had ballooned to over 250 lbs.  I am not able to calculate the metric for weight.  I was seeing a doctor at the community clinic and put myself on a diet.  I have lost almost thirty pounds, by the way, I am able to tie my shoes without asphyxiating and my knees and feet no longer hurt.  I also look a lot better.

In 2011 I finally got a home phone and internet.  At that time I was financially flush and was very weary from using public internet services, primarily in the public library.  It was often difficult finding a quiet place where no one was shouting next to me, even though the availability of free internet was a great boon to me.  It was  confrontation with one particularly rude woman in a branch public library (I had to call security to get her off my case) that convinced me that I was ready for my own laptop, which I bought on installments.  This having my own internet at home has done a lot to help stabilize my life, make it easier to stay in contact with others, do internet research, watch videos in Spanish and write this blog.

Those reading this series of blog posts will probably notice that my life seems to have become more stable and less interesting since I found stable housing.  I am not complaining.  In order to work well and to keep my job I have to lay low, rest, take care of myself and do everything necessary to keep my ducks in a row.

I did make it to Mexico again in March of 2013.  I will conclude this post with some of my travel journal:

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