Wednesday 30 September 2015

Places Where I've Lived: The Magical Rooms (My Second Acid Trip, Or, Kids, Don't Try This On The Street!)

I had two Magic Postage Stamps remaining.  I thought of doing them both at once then came quickly to my senses.  I would do one for sure but it would be nice this time to have company.  I thought of two important people in my life: S and K.  S I had already known for a couple of years.  I phoned S.

S came over for dinner then we sat in the living room where I tore off one hit of Window Pane and we each swallowed the acid.  We sat, chatted and ate oranges while I watched the palm leaves in my dark green rug begin to flow and sway in a warm breeze I couldn't feel.  I thought it would be fun for us to go out nightclubbing on acid.  S agreed and we bussed downtown.  I cannot remember all the places we went to.  It is mostly a blur but we were enjoying ourselves.  S was hallucinating, seeing the face of a normal looking stranger suddenly ooze with blood.  I felt a strange and peculiar oneness with everyone.  Dancing was lovely in the clubs, we were in the middle of the floor among others and they all looked peculiarly beautiful.

S became worried that one hungry looking model-type was going to use his perfect white teeth to tear the flesh from my bones so we left.  We came across another club at closing time and people I knew were on their way out the door.  We were invited to spend the night with them.

We ended up seated on a couch in a basement apartment of a fancy looking dandy who was hunched at the end.  He was a university student writing his thesis on William Blake.  He asked S for S's name, saying "Do you have a name?"  S replied "Yes."  The dandy said "and what would that be?"  S said that S had forgotten S's name.  The dandy said "Well, what did your parents say about you the day you were born?"  S replied, "They probably would have said 'Shit!  Another kid!'"

I was going through my own existential despair.  I confided to my friends that I felt like I was stranded at the bottom of a mine shaft with no way up or out, only the tormenting sight of a grated entrance at the very top.

The following evening I went to a party in a wealthy neighbourhood and the Dandy came with me.

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