Friday 24 June 2016


I'm staying home.  Nothing much to say about it.  I just finished my last day at work and already I'm bored.  This after feeling the stress leave my body as I left work today.  Now there are the usual household stresses.  There are still lingering bedbugs and bites on my skin, suggesting that something is lacking in the competence of the exterminator that my building has been contracting since my unit was sprayed five weeks ago and I'm still occasionally discovering bedbugs and still occasionally getting bitten.  There aren't as many as before but they really should be gone by now, shouldn't they?  Some vacation, two weeks of sharing my bed with little clandestine vampires.

Then there is the elephant on my ceiling.  I don't know if it is the tenant directly upstairs or in the unit next door.  I think it could be someone with mental health issues and obsessive-compulsive behaviour with the non-stop stomping around sometimes.  And this in a concrete building.  At least the current management acknowledges that foot traffic noise is a problem here despite the building materials.  Better than their predecessor, a paranoid fundamentalist Christian who expected all of us to vote conservative and is clearly anti anything gay, though himself a suspected closet case.  Of course I`m not mentioning any names here.  The allegedly Christian organization that runs my building is incredibly thin-skinned towards criticism not to mention extremely vindictive, especially towards any of their tenants who do not love them unconditionally.

There also remains the ongoing nuisance of loud music being played by the superannuated adolescents living in the hard-to-house facility next door.  Yes, Gentle Reader, I have opted to stay home and relax and co-exist with the many inconveniences of having to live cheek-by-jowl with inconsiderate idiots in a building run by nasty Christian hypocrite idiots (though the building managers themselves are pretty awesome ) and sleeping in a bed where there still lurks a leftover vestige of that bloodsucking threat and I still half expect to come through the next two weeks feeling rested and energized.

And you know something, Gentle Reader?  That is exactly what is going to happen.  Right now, this evening, I am down with a brief case of Spoilt Rich Kid Syndrome.  My living situation may not be perfect but it is tolerable.  I have a place to live that I can afford even though I subsist on an incredibly low income in one of the most incredibly expensive cities in the world.  I pay only thirty percent of my monthly income on rent, sometimes less than that.  The noise isn't that bad and upper management leaves me alone if I leave them alone and the bedbugs are going away since it is a gradual process getting rid of them.

One day life will be perfect.  Until that day I am still going to have a fairly good time.

See how easy it is talking myself out of a depression?

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