Saturday 16 March 2019

Costa Rica 6, Ninth Day In Monteverde

I was looking for a Chinese restaurant and entertainment place called Red Ginger, because there were some cheap movies being shown there. While I was trying to find the place I went into a clinic, I think from curiosity. I was barefoot, for some reason, and I felt something kick me from behind, just above my left heel. I turned around and there were a couple of young interning doctors, both men in their thirties. The tall one said that he was the one who kicked me and I had might as well get over it and not expect any kind of apology from him because he was pulled out of bed early to cover this on-call shift that he started at around 7:30 in the morning, so he had a right to be grumpy. I replied that that still didn't give him the right to take out his bad mood on me, and I added that I work with mentally ill and homeless people, and that in all my career, I have never once allowed my bad moods or lack of sleep to affect the quality of service and care I was delivering, and he really should be ashamed of himself. I walked out of the clinic, satisfied that I had got through to him, and continued my search for the Red Ginger. I couldn't quite seem to find it, and went further north on the street where I found larger, more spacious and widely spaced houses. I thought of taking a bus back to my apartment, and seemed to be on Robson Street just at Richards, outside of Cafe Sil Vous Plait, which used to be my hangout during the nineties. There was an old style trolley bus, from the model built in 1949, that used to be common in my city. It was double parked with two contemporary buses by the sidewalk. It seemed to be out of service, and I thought I should be taking one of the contemporary buses, since they were running. But I went on walking, anyway. I got into a different neighbourhood, and soon was no longer in Vancouver. I don't know where I was. There was a mentally ill old woman walking down the street shouting in a booming voice, "Get outta my way all you fatsos, get out of my way, fatsos!" I felt quite threatened, tried to dodge her, saying, You get out of my way, and stay right away from me, or something like that. Then a middle aged woman approached me and said that I should have compassion for that woman for all the pain and trouble she is suffering, then I found that the mentally ill woman had turned into a smallish dog and I was carrying her over a pedestrian bridge. I had to go back over it, once, and found a part where there was a large gap that I had to carefully step over if I didn't want to fall through it. I just barely made it. Then, I was carrying the other woman who was showering me with kisses, which I found rather embarrassing, so I put her down and let her go on her way. Then I had a skateboard that I was riding, usually sitting down, and a large shaggy golden retriever dog named Theodore, or Theo. The dog was very friendly and affectionate and was bounding around with me as I rode on the skateboard. I noticed that I was still barefoot and my feet were starting to get dirty. Then, a young street punk who was also my roommate with whom I was also doing some kind of late night work in a clinic, silently gestured that he needed the skateboard. Since it was his anyway, I let him have it and continued walking with Theo. But Theo didn't have a leash, and I was concerned about this, because it was the responsible thing to do, but Theo belonged to my roommate, so I didn't really have any jurisdiction over him. Theo kept running farther and farther away, and soon did not answer and I eventually lost him. That was when I was entering a new district still under construction. It was huge, and I'd been there before in a previous dream. It was all Baroque and Neo-Classical style buildings that appeared to have been lifted from a German or other European city. And there were broad grassy boulevards and huge parks. There were also areas of bare land that had yet to be built on. The neighbourhood appeared to be still under construction, but it promised to be an incredibly beautiful and elegant place. There were other people visiting and walking through it, and I thought to make this place a regular shortcut from now on. I overheard that the builders were from India, as well as from Germany, and there were a couple of Indian themed buildings with beautiful domes. I was still barefoot, and I was walking through an area of black sand, that was being used to help settle the ground for more building. I noticed that the sand was cleaning the dirt off my feet, and soon, slippers had formed on my feet. I mentioned to one older woman, who looked a bit like a younger Margaret Atwood, that this place is going to be extaordinary when it's finished. She agreed. Then I saw Theo running towards me, and we continued walking home together. I think the new neighbourhood was scheduled to be finished in the spring. You have already guessed, I'm sure, that this is a dream you have been reading about. It is quite typical of the many vivid and intense dreams I have been having since coming here to Monteverde. In other news, I had a two hour nap afer breakfast, walked around, saw a couple of blue morpho butterflies, then walked to Santa Elena where I enjoyed a mango smoothie in a cafe while working on a drawing. One of the staff and two French couples seemed interested in my art, so we chatted for quite a while, then I had supper at a local restaurant and walked home with another rainbow. Stormy weather today with lots of wind and drizzle, but also sun and very refreshing to walk in. Not worried about needing a lot of rest because that is what I am here for. All for now.

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