Wednesday 11 December 2019

It's all Performance art 45

It's the moments that really matter. There is so much that can worry and terrify us.  But this present moment is precious.  It is a gift.  It is sacred.  I cannot think of a time in my life when people have been so anxious and terrified over the state of the world.  We have never been this connected internationally, so that a human rights atrocity in Nigeria is going to impact us over here, just because we are hearing or reading about it in the news. 

It isn't about escaping from the dreadful and horrible realities.  Perhaps limiting and monitoring our intake.  Knowing when  to disconnect and turn everything off for a while.   I am poor, and have very little influence over matters.  I can only observe, pray and think, then write this blog, perhaps contact a politician or a journalist, or attend an information session or demonstration, but my scale is going to be very limited.  That's okay.  All it takes is getting one ear to listen, and then the fire can spread.

I don't know what to expect today.  I will see one client, buy bread and cocoa and perhaps a couple of treats, walk a lot, then return home where I will work on art research for future classes.  It is going to rain today.  And it is going to be cold.  This is Canada and we are in December.  I also live in the mildest climate in Canada, which is to say that the temperatures are usually going to stay above zero, and that regardless the season, here we are always going to be surrounded by natural beauty.

We don't know how long this is all going to last.  We have no way of knowing.  We never have.  We can only do what we can to plan for a better and kinder future by making better and kinder the present moment, for ourselves and for others.  Right now, I could think, whom have I not emailed in a long time, who might like to hear a kind word from an absent friend?  How am I going to treat the people I see and meet in passing?  As obstacles in my way or as human beings, like me, loved and valued by the God that I worship and follow?

Every moment today is also going to carry with it its attendant choices and challenges.  I can begin now, this present moment, by rededicating my life to all that is good, beautiful, and loving, and by taking great care to not forget this vow each moment as I move through the day.  It won't be easy.  It never is easy.  But it needs to be done and it can be done.

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