Sunday 6 November 2016

I Don't Have All The Answers But...

I do believe in the power Of Not Shutting Up.   This is why I write this blog, to keep my head from exploding.  I have been so invaded and colonized by several lecture halls and parliaments worth of ideas, arguments, counterarguments, gratuitous inspiration, questions, and absolute wonder, disgust, admiration, awe and cynical outrage over our imperfectly perfect human condition that writing this blog alone has proven, not to cure me but to give me a healthy way of venting all this mental white noise.  It`s kind of like a process of personal harm reduction, or my own intellectual safe-injection site.  I am never cured of exploding head syndrome but at least by getting it all out in my daily posts I  can carry on living with relative dignity and serenity.

I was hanging out today with my Peruvian friend, whom I sometimes fear I could drive crazy or bore him to extinction in two languages, both English and Spanish but for his admirable patience with me.  At one point I had to ask him to please take over the conversation for a while as I was already getting a sore throat from talking nonstop.  He replied, that it's because I enjoy talking and I said that that was part of the problem.  I never seem to know when to shut up.

I don't pretend to have any answers really.  My whole purpose to this blog is to help me to formulate and frame the question and perhaps to thank you, My Gentle Reader, for sharing in this process with me.  This blog isn't intended to find answers, rather to ask questions and to keep on asking, not until we get the answers but until we become so lost in the awe and wonder of it all that we can no longer think of asking.  But this isn't the only reason why I write.  I also want to alert people to the issues of the day, to offer my perspective, but also to open up a forum of thinking and discussion, to get us all to think, to wonder and to the hopes of the getting of wisdom.

I also hope that we can inspire and encourage one another to become better people, to care more, to love more and to do more, whatever we can, each in our small portion of the universe, to try to make this world a better and kinder place.  I also want to inspire us to perceive and experience the beauty that surrounds and fills us always.  We so rarely take the time to do this as we hurry back and forth in our frenetic and tormented lives.

Gentle Reader, did you know that you are beautiful?  And that the world and universe in which we live are places of beauty?  Will you give time to open your eyes and ears, to open your hearts to the wonder of this?

We might never find the answer.  But maybe all our asking and questioning will open us up in the best and deepest ways and bring us to the place where the answer will one day find us?

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