Tuesday 13 June 2017

Gratitude 93

Every now and then, Gentle Reader, comes a day when I really can't think of anything worth writing about.  That day has arrived, again.  I am thankful for the brain farts.  They free me from any sense of obligation to have to write anything on these pages, if I don't feel like it.  Well, I might be having a brain fart, but I still feel like writing.

Here are some examples of what I won't be writing about today, and why.  I am not writing about work today, simply because I have signed an oath of confidentiality and I am rather interested in keeping my job as I am in maintaining a good and healthy relationship with my clients and my coworkers.  So, I am not writing about work today.  I also, generally refuse to write about the Great Deplorable in the Oval Office.  Why encourage the child.  I never write about finances or economics because they're boring and besides, the economy only works for some (the wealthy) while screwing up the backside of almost everyone else.

I'm not writing about travel because I'm home in Vancouver right now.  My future trip is in the early stages of planning and that's all I'm going to say for now.  Neither am I writing about my apartment building because, really, nothing ever changes here and I am always grateful that here in criminally expensive Vancouver I have a decent place to live.  I refuse to write about hipsters.  They're too pathetic.

I will write a little bit about nature.  I have taken again to watching documentary YouTube videos in Spanish about the wildlife of tropical Latin America.  I am also enjoying our cool weather here in June which often seems to switch every few days back and forth from April, or even March.  The leaves, the flowers and the trees and gardens are all in their greatest splendour as we move towards the summer solstice.  I am grateful for the gorgeous red wild poppies I have been seeing in sidewalk gardens that remind me of the poppy fields I have seen in rural England.

I am grateful for food, and for the easy availability of broccoli and other good, nutritious fruits and vegetables.  I am grateful for my friends from church whom I encountered this afternoon in a No Frills grocery store just after I finished with my last client.  It's really serendipity, as we were able also to confirm a coffee visit for next week.

I am grateful that I seem to be already returning to church, to the Anglican church, the same parish that I abandoned almost two years ago.  Despite the things I have written on these pages about the Anglican Church I can accept being there again because I sense that God is calling me back.  I still agree with all the bad things I wrote about the Anglican Church, but I also accept that there are also good people there with a sincere desire to serve God and maybe I would like to be one of them.

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