Wednesday 30 April 2014

Reckoning With The Already Obvious

I just heard on the radio that for the last one hundred years girls have done consistently better than boys in school, and...I hope you are sitting all subjects.  Who knew?  Or rather, why has it taken it this long, a century, for them to admit it?  I have always known this, and I bet you have too, gentle reader, whether you be gentleman, lady, or other.
     Who else remembers as I do that throughout school the girls were always the best students.  They paid better attention, were listening to the teacher instead of goofing off, did their homework well, did great and well presented projects and usually pulled most of the A's.  On TV (I'm thinking of the Sixties) we were presented with quite a different image of women: dumb blondes, ditzes and sex bombs, submissive (if scheming and passive-aggressive) housewives, and house moms who gleefully accepted their inferior status and taught their own daughters the same.
     My most intelligent friends (sorry guys) have always been women.  I have come to believe that my male gender has knocked a few points off my own IQ status.  Why. even England's best, smartest and most level headed, as well as long-lived, monarchs have been all women.
     I have been calling myself a feminist since I was in my early twenties.  Throughout my life my best friends have often been women and most of them I have always admired and respected as perhaps not more intelligent than me, though I'm sure some of them are, but certainly brighter than a lot of my male friends.  (Okay, even if I am bright I'm not exactly humble.  Or truthful.)
     It has always been, to me, self-evident, that women are smarter, stronger (even physically if you factor in pregnancy and childbirth, not to mention that monthly nuisance), more rational, more peaceful and more careful of details.  There are men who are like this as well.  Ghandi was a man.  So was Martin Luther King.  So was Jesus Christ.  But little has been written about Ghandi's and Mr. King's wives (though his widow, Coretta Scott King has done a lot to change this trend, but only since her husband's untimely death) and we know precious little about Mary Magdalene or the other women connected to Our Lord, and of course that was a different time that was not at all kind to women and these things were almost always written and recorded by men.
     I'm not sure how many of the men whose intelligence is inferior to women but I'll bet you pesos to tamales that the ratio, if we ever learn it, is going to embarrass an awful lot of people.  Anyway your guess is as good as mine.  Of course these are rather broad categories and I know that I am making sweeping generalizations here, but really don't expect me to know any better.  Being a man I may not be the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer.
     On the other hand, I don't mean to brag, but my IQ does put me in the top two per cent.  And if you believe this may I also remind you that men, as well as being dumber, are also usually liars.

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