Monday 6 April 2015

Tax Time

I did my taxes today.  I used to wait till the last two days of April, so dull and odious a task this is.  Then I started getting it done in February, March at the latest. Now that I go on my annual holiday in March, for the entire month, usually I don't have all my ducks in a row for doing taxes till I'm back April 1.  I always do my own taxes, never correctly.  Occasionally I find the math so tedious and the instructions so difficult to decipher that I simply sign it, incomplete and attach a note asking someone to please do it for me and drop it in the mail.  Like today.  But it's done and, all going well, it will be in the mail tomorrow.  I might even get money back this year.

I'm always glad to get it done.  It is, as I mentioned to the fellow in the store while picking up my tax forms, one headache less.  But it is an obligation, a legal requirement, and as a left leaning progressive I see nothing at all wrong about paying taxes and a lot that's right about it.  Taxes pay for everything that matters in a functioning cohesive society.  They keep our roads and public buildings and sewer systems in repair, provide and maintain parks and libraries, welfare and homeless shelters, provide police, fire and ambulance services, medical services and hospitals, and they also pay my wages since I work for our public health care provider.

Paying taxes reminds us that we all share a civic responsibility.  We are all in this together.  There is no time or room for rugged individualism in a healthy society.  We work not just to feed ourselves, pay the bills and go on holidays, but we work also for the common good from which we all draw benefit and support.

I only wish the process wasn't so bloody boring.  On the other hand, things often get weird and dangerous as soon as they get interesting, hence the old, allegedly Chinese, curse, "May you live in interesting times?"

I remember when I was about twelve or thirteen and growing up in boring suburban hell and praying and pleading desperately that I might be blessed with having an interesting life.

My prayer was answered.  I have had, these last forty-five years, a very interesting life.  As to whether or not it is a blessing, let's just say that the jury is still out.

And if you haven't done your taxes yet, hurry up!

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