Monday 27 April 2015

Thirteen Crucixions, 115

Every seat in the amphitheatre was occupied by some dignitary or other.  Some, Stefan could recognize as members of various international organizations.  Others were completely unknown to him.  They were without number, people of every race, nation, creed and tongue.  On chairs on the dais sat the old man and the old woman.  Another old woman, even taller, whom he now knew was the watcher in charge of the refuge, sat with them along with the boy.  A hush of silence hovered over the place.   The light was dimmed, but for the central dais. The old woman who was the watcher rose and addressed the assembly.

            “Welcome all of you.  It is good to see that all of you could come.  I also present greetings from the Millionth Council, the watchers who protect our imperilled earth.  I will open this plenary with the message that has been given me to impart to you:

            ‘We are the watchers and custodians of your planet.  We address you as your servants for servants we are all of the same God and Creator and Sustainer of all.  This earth is in its greatest crisis since the end of what is called here the most recent Ice Age, when the waters rose with sudden force, and great cataclysms were loosed on the earth, obliterating every vestige of human civilization.  Now this threat looms again, for greed and evil again possess the hearts of those who rule here, and again a great age of humankind comes to an end.  You must prepare for this cataclysm by creating safe havens of refuge for those who will survive, that they may again renew their covenant for the healing of the planet.  You will carry this work in secret, for the rulers of the nations would be the first to undermine and destroy our efforts. They’re in league with the Shadows, the forces of death and destruction, and to the shadows they will go, that a remnant might be spared and rescued.  We ourselves, the watchers, will soon be appearing in greater number among you, to work alongside of you, to strengthen, encourage and mentor you, for short is the time that remains in which you can work.  In earth’s time there are yet ten good years in which to accomplish all, and then the destruction comes.  You will all be spared, but even so must you continue in all your efforts to rescue and succour the remnant of human kind that is to escape the destruction.  Work now, while you can.  The time is short.

            ‘We are motivating and inspiring many to join you in your work. They will find you, and they will work alongside you….’”





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