Friday 3 March 2017

Costa Rica 2

I got here.  I wasnt sure if it would happen.  This trip has already had some challenges, mostly around transportation, but God or whatever name you might have for the highest posible good, has provided through the kindness of strangers.  When there was little certainty that the bus to Monteverde would arrive at all and the cab driver, who is a friend of the owner of the Vida Tropical where I spent my first night, more out of kindness than on the strength of his modest tip from me, stood and waited with me for the bus for almost an hour!  Failing the arrival of the bus he had a plan b in store.  The bus ride itself was four hours long, almost, scenic and uneventful.  A woman who lives in Monteverde took interest in my drawing and we chatted a bit in Spanish.  When the bus arrived in Mnteverde I found myself in a new destination without easy access to a taxi.  A local woman on crutches overheard me when she overheard me ask a security guard and she shared her cab with me.  It turns out shes also an artist.

Despite the high cost of everything in restaurants and cafes I am glad to be here again.  Even though this is the dry season clouds are often moving in from the ocean and sometimes it drizzles a bit, though usually it is sunny.  It was actually cold last night when I arrived and even wearing a sweater I could feel the chill.  Monteverde is very different from how a lot of you might envision the tropics.  There are no beaches nearby since this place is inland and high in the mountains.  The climate feels rather like May in Vancouver and the wind is strong and forceful.  I would say, awe inspiring.  Hearing the wind in the huge and towering trees evokes the sense of God, or the Divine speaking to us in nature.  It is unsettling and disquieting because one is reminded of how small and weak we are in the scheme of things and if this experience doesnt teach you humility then maybe nothing but a few good ass kickings will.

I walked some four miles or more to the principal town, Santa Elena,  There are more sidewalks than there used to be, even though much of the road is still unpaved making for rough going and clouds of dust when vehicles pass.  I did say its the dry season right now.  There is a lookout point from where you can see all the way to the Pacific Ocean.  There used to be a big rock there one could sit on.  Now there are three benches.  More comfortable, I suppose but I do miss the rock.

It isnt difficult finding restaurants with vegetarian offerings, but the prices are not cheap, being equal or worse than Vancouver.  I think this could be because Monteverde attracts a lot of well off American tourists and of course the locals have responded with natural greed, and now it feels as if everyone has their hand in your pocket. 

You know, Gentle Reader, when I think of what a pain in the heiny I can be for being a vegetarian, I sometimes think of Hitler, who like me was a vegetarian and a nonsmoker.  I sometimes wonder if these could be uniquely Teutonic traits that can bring out the sleeping fascist in people.  Nothing against the German people by the way.  Half my DNA is from Germany.  The good half comes from Scotland.

The birds here are wonderful and I have already sighted as many as ten species, though I am not certain about the identity of some of them.

The Mariposa, which is the bed and breakfast where Im staying is lovely and in a more isolated área near the cloud forest reserve.  My room is huge and comfortable, if a bit cold at night but Esteban, my host gave me an extra blanket.  He is very kind and has given me the use of his laptop for checking my email and writing you all this lovely travel dreck.

Ive been speaking tons of Spanish today with various staff in cafes and I have to say that it is flowing better than ever.  Esteban said that he notices an improvement in my Spanish since I was here six years ago.  I am working feverishly on a new drawing.  I will show you a Google image of my current bird

Image result for golden browed chlorophonia google images

Different folks are already noticing my art, which is kind of  fun.  I dont know if it will lead to anything and it really doesnt matter.  The joy is in the journey.

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