Monday 1 April 2019

Costa Rica 6, Twenty-Fifth Day In Monteverde

I don't think I'll be going back to the Cloud Forest during this visit. I feel more concerned with seeing people before I leave, and it seems that the reserve, by now, has served its purpose for me. There also appears to be a marauding dog in the area. Yesterday morning I was taking an early morning walk, and I was going to walk up towards the reserve when a large black dog, rather like a German shepherd, seemed intent on blocking me. I didn't get close enough for it to actually try to approach me, but he was standing stiff and erect and watching me from ahead. I know from difficult and bitter past experience that that is a dog's body language of warning, and that if you approach any closer he may move in to attack. So, I am feeling a bit nervous about this possibly happening, but for now I'm okay with it. I was there four times, and that feels like enough for now. And it was wonderful. Today, I collected for a couple of my drawings that they want to put up in two of their rooms. It wasn't a lot, $100, or $133 Canadian, but its better than nothing and it's still something and I have been well-treated at the Mariposa. I might have asked for more, and probably was entitled to more, but it's only money, and even this little bit is making a difference, if a small one, so best to accept and move on, and it is not going to affect our friendship. I did stop at the Cafe Monteverde and had an enjoyable and very interesting visit with two of the staff here, both young men in their early twenties, I think, one of whom in particular seems to be becoming a friend, and I'm hoping we will stay in contact when I return to Vancouver. I think I've already mentioned him here, that he is a classical musician (violin-cello, and other instruments). We had some really interesting conversations today, especially around the subject of tourism, travel, ethics, consumerism, and attitudes and perspectives towards the people who live in the places that we like to visit. I also ran across some more Canadians, a very snooty young couple from Toronto (natch!) and then a lady from Hamilton (not at all snooty!) who lives in Monteverde six months of the year. That was when I mentioned to my friends working there about how the rest of Canada is not particularly fond of Toronto, much as the rest of Costa Rica doesn't much like people from San Jose, Mexicans don't much care for the Chilangos (people who live in Mexico City), Colombians don't like Bogotanos, or how the British don't seem to care for Londoners etc. Then later at the Italian restaurant, a couple of the staff (the waiter, especially) were weighing in about how much they would miss me, so tomorrow I'm, coming back for tiramisu and to say goodbye again. I can't really complain at all about how I've been treated on this visit, not even with the art sale (hey, I did sell something, anyway!). This has been a particularly enjoyable day (crowned just now by a glorious sunset), of a particularly successful visit here. One of the guys at the cafe told me that to him I'm more a local than a tourist, and it seems that others here have been taking on this perception of me, and well, it's also become my self perception, given how different I feel from the many tourists I see here. Oh, by the way, speaking of tourists, Gentle Reader, I have finally figured out why I enjoy making fun of German tourists. A lot of them look so tight in the rear end that they probably need colostomy bags!

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