Friday 26 April 2019

Life As Performance Art 21

Mika Jiang, the right wing fiscal conservative from Shanghai has responded to my reply to his reply about my comment on Quora from yesterday. I have decided that I have no time or energy for educating asses, so I have deleted the notification unread. Online and social media discussions with strangers are often quite the exercise in futility, and for one simple reason. Outside of what we write online, it is impossible for us to know each other. Which is also to say that it inhibits mutual understanding. No matter how hard or how much we bend over in unpleasant postures to explain ourselves, it is not going to work. Especially when you come from incompatible cultural and social and economic experiences. Besides which, I do not know what is happening in that person's life. I have no idea of what has shaped or influenced hi. I do not know if there is any particular suffering or hurt there right now, or id perhaps he is simply a sheltered and cossetted spoiled rich kid with all the empathy of a slug. Neither is he going to have any way of understanding my perspective, where I have been in life, or what might be going on with me right now. And I will be damned if I am going to try to reveal and expressed such privileged information to someone who more than likely simply is not going to get it. Better to save our pearls for worthier swine. China, where this man lives, is also a notorious human rights abuser and even though it is not quite cricket to conflate the Chinese people with their horrible government, it is also noteworthy that compassion is not a strong Chinese cultural characteristic. It is a very strong Canadian characteristic. I was invoking compassion in my argument that it certainly is important that wealth be redistributed through taxation so that the poorest and most marginalized members of society do not suffer too onerously from the success of the wealthy. But if you are not grounded in compassion, then you simply are not going to get it. It's kind of like a generalized systemic psychopathy that affects people who live under repressive governments, and an online forum is the worst possible way to communicate across those barriers. So, I will let the gentleman from Shanghai have the last word, and I am also likely to never know what he has to say because, frankly, I no longer care. My priorities today are going to remain very simple and basic. I am going to finish writing this bit of nonsense, have some breakfast, (not necessarily in that order), get my clothes out of the dryer, do some art, go for a walk, and meet a good friend for coffee. Later, I will probably walk around in the sunshine. What could be more perfect, Gentle Reader?

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