Tuesday 2 April 2019

Costa Rica 6, Twenty-Sixth Day In Monteverde

This is my last full day and night in Monteverde. Tomorrow afternoon I bus down to Alajuela, and the following morning, Thursday, I fly back to Vancouver. I have spent today tracking down various individuals I have come to know here, to say goodbye to them, and to pass on to them my contact information should they want to stay in touch. It has all worked quite seemlessly. I began in Cafe Caburé where I said goodbye to one of the waitresses, then walked to Santa Elena where I was able to do the same with a few others, as well as back to Tramonti's, the Italian restaurant, for tiramisu and a chat with a couple of the staff there. I don't know if I'll hear from anyone, and it really doesn't matter, though it would be nice, but I think it's a significant gesture, and it helps for people to know that they're liked and cared for. I can't think of a lot else to say in this post. I did have a lovely encounter with a morpho butterfly, and also with an agouti, which is a large and very cute local rodent. It really feels like I live here, and even though I don't expect that I'll ever actually move to Monteverde, it is nice to have another place on earth that feels like home. This is also an incredible luxury and privilege. Anyone who doesn't know me well might easily assume that I must have quite a lot of money to be able to do this and I don't, but God has directed my life circumstances so that this has become for me a possibility. I sometimes wonder where this is all going to lead to, since I don't have a map to read, but I am feeling these days kind of like a spiritual cartographer, or map-maker, as each day I explore this world, both exterior and interior. It hasn't been so brutally hot today, and there has been a steady strong and cooling wind.

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