Friday 19 April 2019

Life As performance Art 14

It's laundry day today. It is my first day off. All my weekends are three days now and because of Easter Monday it's going to be a four day weekend. Today is Friday. Today is Good Friday, the Friday we call Good. We remember today one of the most significant deaths of our human history, if not the most significant. A death that did not end in the tomb. A death that still does not end in the tomb. I woke very early this morning, but I have registered six and a half hours deep sleep, which works well as my minimum daily requirement, and I am feeling well-rested. I woke at four minutes before four this morning, following a rather bizarre dream where I was running to catch a plane. It was bound for London, and I was in it at first, but found that I was in the wrong section, near the front, and that I had also not boarded legitimately. So, instead of moving to the back and explaining my plight to the flight attendant, I got off the plane and left the terminal and ended up running on a pedestrian walkway to the correct entrance onto the plane (the interior was large, spacious and white). I don't think I would have quite made it, but you never know. That's when I woke up. I got up at around 4:15, had a shower, cleaned my place and now I am almost ready to go downstairs to put my clothes in the dryer, after which I am going to make a cheese omelette for breakfast to enjoy with my dark roast fair trade organic Cuban coffee. I will be leaving shortly after eight thirty to attend the Good Friday service in my church, following which I expect to stop in the local coffee shop and buy some more coffee beans. My body is still carrying and feeling some of the stress from the last couple of weeks, which highlights the importance of rest and taking it easy for this four day weekend.........I have just finished folding and putting away the clothes. It is just past seven, and the cloudy morning is gently bright, but not brilliant, and I hear a house finch singing nearby. They are very common birds here in Vancouver, but no one seems to know they exist. Look up the image on Google, and you will find a sparrow with a bright golden-red head and breast. Look up their song on YouTube. They sound rather like canaries, but with a certain wild beauty. Our lives are full of things, often things of incredible beauty, that few of us ever seem to notice. This precious and holy weekend of spring could be an ideal time to slow down and to really begin to take note of this beauty, to make ourselves vulnerable to Christ crucified and risen and to the hidden beauty that threatens to ambush and overwhelm us.

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