Sunday 14 April 2019

Life As Performance Art 9

I am not needy. Nor do I lack friends. So, my reasons for writing in the last couple of posts about the inability of most people to secure or value close and lasting friendships has nothing to do with me personally. This is merely a social observation and it is meant only to be interpreted as a social observation. Nothing else. So, if you have read the last couple of posts, Gentle Reader, then I will thank you to stick your personal judgments of my character up where the sun don't shine. I have lost more friends than I could begin to number on this page. Many through death, others for having simply disappeared, some have abruptly and at times violently ended our friendship because of a stubborn refusal to reasonably discuss things and seek paths of reconciliation, and many have always had the same useless, lame excuse of being too busy. I really believe that we can do better and that we need to do better than this. But it also seems that outside of our own families, and outside of the people they are having sex with, most people have a very limited attention span, and this strikes me as shallow, selfish and pathetic. It is reptilian brain in overdrive. Or am I the only person on the face of this earth who has ethical values? I am really beginning to think so. I even wonder if I'm just wasting my time staying open to others, in my desire to reflect Christ, since I always end up casting the same pearls before the same swine and I am really getting fatigued from all this. I have had the opportunity to know some wonderful people. Others, not so much, I'm afraid. It also depends, I think, on the venues for meeting people. For example, I have met a lot of people from Latin American countries and from Spain, thanks to the Conversation Exchange Page, but most of those people want to learn or improve their English for business and professional advantages. They are going to be competitive, greedy and amoral little capitalists, for the most part, usually lacking a moral compass and it goes without saying that people of that ilk make the worst possible friends, so then, is it any wonder that I have been constantly disappointed by those little wankers, since they are simply life supports for a reptilian brain? There have been a couple of notable exceptions, but they are people very hard to find anywhere. Most people are selfish little consumers, out only for themselves and no one else, and at least I am learning to quickly identify and distance myself from those idiots. Sometimes, I can't wait for climate change disaster to so overwhelm us that we are going to be forced into working and living cooperatively if we don't want to perish. And hopefully, by that time, natural selection will have already wiped out all the selfish idiots.

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