Tuesday 21 January 2020

It's All Performance Art 86

Yes, Gentle Reader, more Christian content.  If this is problematic to you perhaps you could search in my blog for some of my more offensive content.  I'm sure you won't be disappointment.  Otherwise, brace yourselves, this is going to be a bumpy flight.  Fasten your seatbelts everybody, and yes, we are flying economy!

More from the Sermon on the Mount that I have so far memorized, in Spanish, then the English translation with commentary:

"Ustedes han oído que se dijo a sus antepasados, no mates, y todo el que mate quedará sujeto al juicio del tribunal.  Pero yo les dijo que todo el que se enoje con su hermano quedará sujetado al juicio del tribunal.  Es mas, cualquiera que insulte a su hermano quedará sujeto al juicio del consejo, pero cualquiera que lo maldiga quedará sujeto al juicio del infierno.  Por lo tanto, si estás presentando tu ofrenda en el altar, y allí recuerdas que tu hermano tiene algo contra ti, deja tu ofrenda allí delante del altar.  Ve primero y reconcíliate con tu hermano, luego, vuelves y presente tu ofrenda.  Si tu adversario te va a denunciar, llega a un acuerdo con el lo mas pronto posible.  Hazlo mientras vayan de camino al juzgado.  No sea que te entregue al juez, y el juez al guardia, y te echen en la cárcel.  Te aseguro que no saldrás de allí hasta que pagues el último centavo."

You have all heard that it was told to your ancestors, do not murder, and everyone who murders shall be tried by the tribunal of justice.  But I am telling you that everyone who gets angry with his brother shall be tried by the tribunal of justice.  Also, whoever insults his brother is going to be tried by the council, but anyone who curses him will have to face the justice of hell.  Therefor, if you are presenting your offering on the altar, and there recall that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there in front of the altar.  First, go and be reconciled with your brother, then, go back and present your offering.  If your adversary is going to denounce you, come to an agreement with him as quickly as possible, while you are on your way to trial.  Otherwise he will hand you over to the judge, who will hand you over to the jailer, and they will through you in prison.  I assure you that you will not get out of their until you pay the last cent.

I think for anyone who enjoys entertaining grudges as though they were edgy little badass guests for tea, these are going to be very difficult words.  This teaching brings us right to the very heart of our relationships, not just with our families and friends, but with everyone in the community, and even with complete strangers.  Jesus equates resentment, grudges, anger and judgement with murder.  perhaps because that is really what we re committing, to ourselves if not to one another.  If ever there was a teaching of the Gospel that we never seem to get right, then here it is.  So then, why even try?  because this, my darlings, is how we learn humility.  We can't accomplish or be any of those nifty things without the help of the Holy Spirit, and there's nothing like constantly failing at it to leave us flung at the feet of Jesus, which is exactly where we all belong.  All for now!

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