Wednesday 22 January 2020

It's All Performance Art 87

"Ustedes han oído que se dijo, No cometes adulterio, pero yo les digo que cualquiera mira a una mujer y la codicia ya ha cometido el adulterio con ella en el corazón.  Por tanto, si tu ojo derecho te hace pecar, sácatelo y tíralo.  Mas te vale perder una sola parte de tu cuerpo y no que todo el sea arrojado al infierno.  Y si tu mano derecha te hace pecar, córtatela y arrójala.   Mas te vale perder una sola parte de tu cuerpo y no que todo vaya al infierno." 

Well, I just checked one of my Spanish Bibles, and I wrote this passage perfectly.  One moment please, Gentle Reader, while I pat my back.  Now, here it is in English:

You have heard it said in the past, do not commit adultery, but I am telling you that whoever looks at a woman and desires her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  So, if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out, and throw it away.  Better that you lose only one small part of your body and that not the whole thing be thrown into hell.  and if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.  Better that you lose only one small part of your body and that not the whole thing go to hell.

So, there you have it.  Don't leer.  Don't objectify.  But I don't think Jesus was just talking about men with women.  I have herd women get pretty skanky about men, and have been called a slut-shaming pig for calling them on their double standard.  Too bad.  I am standing my ground.  I have also told off men for treating other men like items on the menu.  I have been slammed by them as anti-gay and homophobic.  Too bad.  I am standing my ground.

When you sexually objectify another person, you are othering them, and completely erasing their human dignity just to satisfy your own stinking lust.  Be ashamed.  Be very ashamed.

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