Thursday 21 May 2020

Postmortem 47

A word about face masks, Gentle Reader: Don't argue, just wear them and shut-up already.  No they shouldn't be mandatory, for the simple reason that common sense shouldn't be mandatory, but all the same, we do want to get through this pandemic now, don't we?  And the second wave of infections is a-comin'. and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

The science is also in that masks only help the people around the person wearing it.  It does not protect you from anything.  So, if you are driving lone in your car, and I see you wearing a mask, and you have no passengers and your windows are all closed, don't be surprised to see me laughing in your face.   And for those or you who think that wearing a mask grants you automatic immunity, then better think again, or, should that be enough for you to stop safe distancing, then don't be surprised to find yourself waking up one day soon in ICU hooked up to a respirator.  Feeling safe is not the same as being safe.

I was wearing my bright red bandana around the lower part of my face today, selectively of course.  While walking in Stanley Park, away form people, I happily went bare face, but as soon as someone came toward me on the tranquil, and safe distancing was not possible, or they were simply too dumb and self-absorbed to even bother, I would simply don the mask, and maybe assure them that it was for their protection, not mine, since the wearer of the mask is not really protected from the virus, while protecting those around them, should she be a carrier.   When I returned from my walk in the forest I put the ask back on, especially while shopping for food.

This is something I don't really enjoy doing, but to me it is part of being socially responsible.  But I simply don't agree with the governments of other countries where they tend to not respect their own citizens as adults, and order them to stay indoors and to wear masks in public.  It really shows a lack of respect, I think, and that is going to impact negatively on the people who vote them into power, in the long-run, anyway.  When I mentioned this to one of my friends in Colombia, he suggested that the government has to be heavy-handed, otherwise getting Colombians to cooperate would be akin to herding cats.  As much as I love Colombians, I suspect that he might have a point, Gentle Reader.

Now, read some more of my novel, dearies

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