Monday 22 June 2020

What's Next? 22

I think one of our next steps is to put paid to our cynicism.  This doesn't mean the end of irony, by the way, and even though a lot of people tend to confuse the two, cynicism and irony are two very different sorts of constructs.  Just ask Uncle Google:

Irony: When something that you particularly don't expect (for any reason) happens.

Sarcasm: Saying one thing, and actually meaning the opposite, in a mean way.

Cynicism: Insulting someone in a very painful, rude way.  Also, having absolutely no positive feelings towards something (being cynical).

Today on the radio I heard a high school student say, "I know it sounds cheesy, but we're all in this together."  So, my question is, why would anyone think that should sound cheesy?  It's actually quite basic and true.  We are all in this together.  I think it's sad that something so true and so beautiful would take on the dimension of cliché, but this says something about just how jaded everyone is these days.  And if we are going to really start to move forward then we really have to regain our sensitivity.  I don't mean just the popular outrage against racism, etc., and it is good that there is such outrage, but towards everything and anything that makes our lives a little more beautiful and meaningful than a bunch of smug, intelligent organisms that are hellbent on destroying their own biosphere.

So, let's doff the cynicism, now, shall we, duckies?  We are all in this together.  Now can all you duckies all say "Quack" in unison?   No, I didn't say "Quack in unison", but to say "Quack!" in unison.  Pay attention to the inverted little commas.  And the exclamation mark I have just added for poetic emphasis.  Now say it again.  "Quack".  Now again, louder, "Quack!"  Now say it with real passion, one, two three, "QUACK!"

There darlings, now didn't that feel good!

Now, in unison, I want you all to say "We're all in this together."  take the smirk off your face.  Only those who have earned the right are permitted to sound ironic.  Let's say it again, shall we?  "We're all in this together."  now, a bit louder, with feeling, "We're all in this together!"  And now, while looking at one another, "We're all in this together.!

Now, doesn't that make you feel good!

Let's try the same now, singing, "Kumbaya."

Get that smirk off your face, Gentle Reader!

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