Tuesday 12 January 2016

More About Our Beautiful Weather

First, a word about today.  I just had a chat with one of the owners of the local café where I am showing some of my paintings.  There is quite a large and I think particularly well-done piece that occupied a highly visual place in the coffee shop.  When I saw today a large plant (or small tree) obstructing the view of more than half the painting I asked if the tree was going to stay there.  I was told yes, probably.  So I said that since I was wanting to showcase the painting then I'd might as well remove it.  I was told to go ahead.  I mentioned that I did find this discourteous.

Later we had a talk.  The owner got a bit emotional and I think somewhat rude and didn't appear immune to making a couple of cheap shots (that there might be something wrong with my giving an unkind look to a mob of ten very loud and rude middle aged women totally crowding into the space I was sitting in while drawing and having a coffee).  I let it go, let her have her say, and agreed to her terms.  Later I took out the big painting.  I am not happy with the tone that was taken nor the lack of respect for my art being there.  I've decided to stay quiet about it.  However, I am thinking of taking out all the paintings if for no other reason than to not feel that I have to somehow nice-up to obnoxious customers just because they are being so kind as to let me display my art in their coffee shop.  It creates extra tension and I would rather return to the secure boundary that comes with not having my art up nor any vested interest in this establishment. 

This could of course backfire so I might give it a few days before I make my decision.  I might even go in this evening just before closing time and bring home the other paintings.  Or I could leave things the way they are, give it all a chance to blow over and try to be friends with everybody.

One of the unpleasant leftovers of PTSD is this tendency to overreact when offended and then create a nasty domino effect that only ends up damaging everyone, especially me.  Also known as a pyrrhic victory.

So, Gentle Reader, I am going to leave things as they are, for now anyway, if for no other reason than to not let a lizard hatch into a dragon.  I really do want my paintings back but tomorrow I could change my mind.

Isn't our weather wonderful?  This must also be affecting people's mood.  I claim that it doesn't impact me really but I'm probably lying.  They call rain and dark cloudy skies miserable weather for good reason.  It really brings out the miserable in us. 

I just wonder if it has to.  I wonder if by calling it miserable we are making the weather and by extension ourselves miserable.  Maybe it is better to acknowledge that it isn't all about us and that the weather happens the way it happens because this is precisely the way it is going to happen: the earth gets watered, the air is cleansed, food grows and we can all stay alive.  Who would be miserable about that?

This just in:

It is a couple of hours since I wrote this.  I went to the café and took down my paintings.  I was polite and cheerful and reassured the staff person on duty that I am still a customer.  The owner was nowhere to be seen, but might have been hiding in the back.  I'm happy now.  My babies are home where they belong.  If permitting café owners to treat me rudely or disrespectfully is a price I have to pay to market my art then all my paintings will stay home with me where they belong. 

It's a beautiful day!

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