Tuesday 19 January 2016

Weather To Sneeze

This has been one of my worse allergy days in ages.  I wondered for a while if I was coming down with a cold but it has all the telltale signs of one of my classic allergy attacks.  I go through prolonged sneezing fits of up to twenty or more sneezes in a row.  Nose is chronically drippy and I feel washed out with incredible bursts of manic energy.  And anything can trigger a sneezing episode: dust, smoke, pollen, perfume, cleaning chemicals.  I am also so sick and tired of trying to explain any of this to well-intentioned nosy parkers that I simply refuse to explain now should the subject arise.  To a couple of clients who wanted to know what I'm allergic to I simply said it's not worth going into.  To a co-worker who wanted to know if my sniffle was due to a developing cold and I replied it was allergies she wondered alloud that it isn't even Spring yet to which I replied "Let's not go there, eh?"

The fact of the matter is I do not understand my allergies.  Neither do any of the doctors to whom I've talked about them.  Since getting an annual flu shot every fall the allergy attacks have been substantially reduced till Spring so this one is particularly early.  Generally the allergy attacks hit me every ten days or so and last for one and a half days.  I can generally function okay and have only taken time off from work, maybe, twice because of allergies.  I will spend maybe half a day feeling washed out and my voice goes down half an octave so that I sound like Tom Waits for a few hours.  As I mentioned during these sneeze vulnerable times anything will set it off.

There's no way I'm explaining this to people who aren't close friends or confidantes.  It's too much information.

While dragging my south end across the day there was often sun shining through the winter clouds and the temperatures were a mildly cool nine degrees Celsius.  It's cloudy now.

I'm again reading three books simultaneously, maybe four.  Primarily two novels, in English and in Spanish.  A Facebook friend was just promoting another book, a theological treatise by a liberal bishop.  He seemed less than amused when I commented unflatteringly about the author and perhaps I owe this person a good read just to see if I might react a bit differently to some of his positions after all these years.  Stranger things have happened but I have a feeling my reading list is going to be very full given that maybe four hundred of the six hundred plus books in my home library still languish on the shelves unread.

I used to read to learn how to form an opinion.  Now I think I read to challenge and explode my opinions.  While I have certain core values that I don't expect to change any time soon, opinions are something else.  As I have already written several times, Gentle Reader, opinions are like assholes.  Everybody has one.  I want to learn to question my opinions and to search uncompromisingly for the truth until the tables are turned and the truth seeks me and finds me out.  And then I think I'll have nothing left to say.

I'm not sneezing so much.  Nose is still a bit runny.

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