Tuesday 27 September 2016

Is There Life On Mars?

Isn't it amazing some of the stupid, hare-brained ideas that come from out of the scientific community sometimes?  Like this one idiot who has a plan in process about colonizing Mars?  Now, for just one minute, Gentle Reader, close your eyes and try to imagine not Earth without human life, but human life without Earth.  Without our Mother.  Life on a planet hostile to life, no oxygen, no warm summer days, no trees, birds, no butterflies or bees, no elephants, no bears, no dogs or cats.  Nothing.  A bubble existence of the privileged few allowed to escape the asteroid collision or global nuclear holocaust that those doomsday eggheads want us to believe is not only a future possibility but something inevitable.  Our coming inheritance.

How do, and from where do, these idiots get the idea that humans can or are even meant to survive away from the planet that formed and nurtured us?  This nonsensical crap that we are somehow special, apart from nature, above and detached from the biosphere that sustains us.  Such Descartian rubbish! 

I am not anti-science.  I am anti academic stupidity.  Somehow, over the last five hundred years, we have been led to believe that our superior brains and capacity for reason and consciousness make us somehow different and superior to other life forms.   We are made of the same dust and microbes and water as other life forms.  There is but a one percent difference between human DNA and the DNA of chimps and bonobos.  When we die our bodies decompose and decay, presumably to feed and fertilize the earth from which we sprang. 

This very hubris has led us to colonize and destroy other nations and peoples and destroy our environment and put in jeopardy our Earth's very future.  And certain privileged rich people and academics expect that they are going to escape from the fruit of the damage the Earth has incurred of them, and fly off and ruin yet another planet?  What hubristic shit!

Even if they succeed in establishing a self-sustaining colony on Mars, there are going to be many unaccounted for physical and mental health impacts and obstacles.  To live in an isolated colony completely cut off from our biosphere is really a form of suicide.  No one will survive for the long term because our very life is contained in this planet.  We are the Earth and the Earth is us.  Stay home and spend the money on fixing this planet before we ruin it further.  To hell with Star Trek.  Great TV show and movie but that's all it is.  Stay home and learn to live with your own species and co-exist with our sibling species here with our Mother.

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