Tuesday 1 December 2020

Theology Of Love 40

When does love become unconditional?  And with whom?  I would say that as long as we are imperfect human beings, then all our efforts at love are going to be less than stellar, no matter how good we might happen to feel about ourselves.  I have a particularly close friend whom I would say I come very close to loving unconditionally.  But I also like to warn him, that God alone loves perfectly.  All other attempts are going to be pale and poor imitations.  

I know that my love is shamefully pale and shallow.  If the homeless person I saw on the street happened to be my good friend, then I would invite him to stay with me in my little bachelor apartment.  I am not going to extend that invitation very far.  There are legitimate reasons.  I know my friend.  I don't know the random people on the street.  But aren't they also worthy of being loved?  Of course they are, and sometimes, when I stop to chat with someone begging on the sidewalk, even if it's just to say hi, I get a sense of them, and then a light is kindled and I experience already the beginnings of love for them.  We cannot love the stranger unless we are willing that they be no longer strangers.

I used to be more free about sharing my home with strangers.  But there were still periods and seasons when it was more appropriate.  I also think there was less danger from inviting random strangers into my home.  Now, a lot of the people on the street are on drugs and have severe mental health challenges.  I also live in a particularly small apartment now.  I think I could have my friend here as a guest, but we are already compatible, and have found that we are comfortable together at cramped quarters and for prolonged periods.  You can't do that with just anyone.  Plus, where I live, there are strict policies around overnight guests, and I simply will not bring someone in who might endanger my neighbours as well as myself.  Also the crisis of homelessness has gone so out of control...and the excuses go on.  But I don't have room, unless a stranger is going to sleep with me in my bed, and I am not about to go there with anyone, especially an overnight guest.  That would be such a breech of hospitality!  But I am planning to get a small sofa bed, in case my friend, who lives in Colombia, would want to come and visit some time. 

When I had larger apartments it was easier to invite strangers over.  I was also a lot younger.   Now I don't know what to do next.  I know that I cannot take strangers into my home.  It has become too risky and there is no room.  I saw this as homelessness was rising, and I felt completely impotent, completely powerless to do anything but weep and complain and write angry emails to indifferent politicians.  

Now I don't know what to do.  I cannot save every drowning person.  perhaps not even one.  The culture of selfishness and death that we live in has really undermined us.  I feel the love.  But I need to live the love.  And this is not going to be easy.

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