Tuesday 9 February 2021

The Peacock 66

 "What did the archbishop say?" Carl says.

"Well, he refused to comment on the Deacon's inappropriate behaviour, but he did mention to Dad that from time to time, every generation it seems, there appears a priest who actually seems to really know and respond to God, and that he, my dad. was that priest for our generation.  He went so far as to tell him that his was a prophetic voice.  He also thanked him for doing Christ's work with Kenny, and that if there were any more problems, to just send them to him and he would speak in my father's defense.  

"Dad continued what seemed would always be an uneasy relationship with St. John's.  Even though we lived in a nice well-heeled neighbourhood, we were not wealthy, and in fact, my dad was rather looked down upon by his better stationed peers.  Kenny was also given an ultimatum, because his addictions were making him unmanageable.  His mood became erratic, he would easily lose it and have meltdowns, plus he started lying and stealing.  It was after our microwave disappeared when Kenny disappeared along with it.  He stayed away for another year or so, then, showed up at church one Sunday, looking much the worse for wear.  He had lost weight and appeared to have aged ten years.  With help and encouragement from Dad and the parish he went in for treatment and rehab.  It was an uneven trajectory for him, and he only began to stabilize after a few false tries and starts.  Finally, he came to live with us  That was when at seventeen I started visiting St. James.  Given my problems with Father Griffin, Kenny actually began to accompany me.  Apparently he knew Griffin rather well.  They had never had sex or anything, since Father Griffin didn't like drag queens, but he was well known in those circles and quite disliked and hated.  But Kenny was enough to put the fear of god in him, literally, and if Kenny was with me, he avoided me completely. 

"But surely, knowing who your father was, and after humiliating him with the one hundred dollars, Robert would have respected you anyway?"

"Oh, don't make me laugh.  Back in the day that idiot thought only with his dick.  In fact, when God was handing out brains, I'm pretty sure that Griffin mistook it for his penis.  Plus, it turns out he enjoys being humiliated."

Carl, with a wry smile and leaning back in the chair says only, "I am not dignifying that with a reply!"

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