Friday 12 February 2021

The Peacock 69

 "I am so sorry to hear that," Carl says.  "You must have been very close."

"He was my brother.  Kenny was the closest I ever had to having a real brother."

"There was quite an age difference?"

"Fifteen years.  But really, Kenny was like a big kid.  I think he would have been found to be emotionally immature, and I suppose he was.  But he was one of the realest, most transparent people I ever knew.  You always knew where you stood with him.  And once he trusted you, once you won his friendship, you were his forever."

 "But tell me something, please, Cosme..."

"Might as well start calling me Christopher.  All this remembering and telling, since my mom, seems to have made me comfortable again with Christopher..."

"Okay.  Christopher, tell me something, please..." and Carl seems to be really trying to work at measuring his words, "Weren't any concerns being raised, I mean, about Kenny's influence.  I mean, you were very young, and vulnerable..."

"And I'm not dignifying THAT with a reply!"

Carl winces at the sharpness of my tone and the pitch of my voice.

"I'm sorry", he says, clearly repentant.  "I was being crass."

"No worries.  I really should be used to it by now, but you know, I'm not feeling my best right now."

"Do you want to wrap things up now, maybe give yourself some rest?"

"Nah. I´m still good to go, unless I'm keeping you up unnecessarily late,

"Brother, we have only just begun..."

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